Have We Hit A New Low?

I really don’t put much stock in political endorsements. I don’t care what a politician thinks of another politician. And I don’t care who a politician endorses for some office. All it shows is either a payback for a previous favor done, or a way to get a favor later on up the road.

So, you get the idea that hearing Donald Trump has endorsed Kari Lake for Arizona Senator means absolutely nothing to me (and judging by the polls, a whole lot of other Arizona voters as well…she trails Ruben Gallego by about 13 points). But can we take it a step further?

The Hill recently came out with an article that stated the world is waiting to hear who Taylor Swift, Beyonce, and Mitt Romney are going to endorse for president. And the first thing to cross my mind was, “Have we as a society hit a new low?”

Let’s take a look at these three because frankly I’m not so sure that they are qualified to be discussing endorsements of any political candidate.

First off, there’s Taylor Swift. Her biography states that she never attended a college, she has an honorary degree from New York University, where she gave the Commencement address two years ago (and she never wrote a song about it!). She has a high school education, and up until she endorsed Biden in 2020, she had no public interest in politics. So, we can basically say she’s a liberal singer that has no idea what she’s talking about, and I wouldn’t classify her as a mental giant. Musically, I guess you would have to admit she’s successful, but I can’t say that her music is all that great because I’ve never heard one of her songs.

On to Beyonce. She was born in Houston, Texas and never attended college. Like Swift, she chose to focus on her music career. In 2020, on her Instagram page, she posted a picture of her wearing a Biden-Harris mask. She traditionally has endorsed Democrat candidates, so that’s not a big surprise. Again, she’s musically very successful, and again, I don’t think I can name one of her songs, and while she’s endorsed political candidates in the past, I don’t know what she knows about politics and what is just following the flow. I know since leaving Destiny’s Child, she’s become rather political in her song material…and she palled around with the Obamas. But other than that, I’m not so sure what she knows. Unlike the 34 year old Swift, Beyonce is 42, and has actually met several Democrat politicians. That doesn’t mean she understands squat.

And now for Mitt Romney. Now, I have to admit, this one hits closer to home than most. My grandfather and Mitt’s dad, George knew each other when the elder Romney was the Governor of Michigan back in the 1960’s. And I’ve actually met Mitt a couple of times. Of course, I was about three or four at the time, and he was a teenager ( I doubt he remembers it). I thought he was a terrible politician when he ran for the White House against Obama back in 2012. And he’s never been a fan of Donald Trump, probably (and it’s just my conjecture), that he was jealous that he couldn’t beat Obama, and yet Trump stomped on Hillary Clinton to gain the Oval Office. Unlike the other two we’ve discussed, Mitt has spent his career in politics, like his father, and has held several offices including a US Senate seat, was the Governor of Massachusetts, and served as the President of the Salt Lake Organizing Committee for the Olympics and Paralympics back in 1999. So while the other two ladies have zero political experience or education, Romney does indeed have some.

Knowing that, it doesn’t surprise me he never liked Trump. He voted for Trump’s impeachment conviction twice in the US Senate. And since he’s leaving office after his current term and not running for reelection, I view him a lot like Liz Cheney, and my former Senator, Jeff Flake. The three of them don’t amount to a warm bucket of spit as far as their opinions are concerned.

So, while The Hill may be waiting with baited breath to get Swift, Beyonce, and Romney’s picks for president, I could really care. I’d rather do my own research, and decide on the best candidate that’s running. I say “that’s running” because I don’t believe were going to get the best candidate living in America. I’m not sure who that is, but we’re going to have a rematch of four years ago, unless Biden chokes at the June debates and loses his chance at a nomination in Chicago this August.

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

9 thoughts on “Have We Hit A New Low?

  1. The truth is, it doesn’t matter who’s opinion you listen too. It could be from the smartest guy in the world or the homeless guy living on the street. What it comes down to is, it’s only an opinion,… and you know what they say about opinions!

    My money is on Trump because my pocket tells me so!

    Sad to say, but I don’t think Kari Lake is going to win her election. Believe me, I’m no fan of Rubin Gallego but he puts on good commercials even though he’s another scumbag Democrat who’s ex-wife happens to be the mayor of Phoenix AZ. Gee…no deep rooted politics there. And Oh! let’s not forget he divorced his pregnant wife shortly before her giving birth to their first child! What a guy!

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    1. And, he’s using the campaign strategies as another guy that ran for Senator just a couple of years ago. It worked for Kelly, Gallego is betting it will work for him as well.


  2. I agree. 

    I don’t know what kind of people Europeans look for in their election process, but I think they vote for a party rather than a person.  That’s the way it is in England, anyway.  Americans vote for people, which makes the process “personality dependent.”  Americans are looking for trustworthy, reliable candidates to serve their interests; maybe that’s our problem.  There aren’t any trustworthy politicians in America — and knowing this, I don’t care what celebrities think.

    I shudder every time I hear someone say that anyone who votes for a Republican also votes against their self-interests.  They only say this because there are only two parties, and before I continue, let me say that such an argument depends on what one’s self-interests are.  If someone needs to be nurtured all their lives, if they need the government making all their decisions for them, if they are incapable of standing on their own two feet and taking care of their families without outside interference, then I suppose socialism makes sense to such weak-minded people.  On the other hand, someone who seeks to preserve our Republic is someone seeking the “greater good.”  It is an American value to stand on one’s own two feet, to take care of their families, and defend their loved ones.

    When I vote, I can say that I prefer one candidate over another.  If I can’t say that, then I won’t vote.  I don’t care that much about how many times a candidate has been married or the number of times he paid for sex.  Ultimately, we all pay for sex — some more than others, but life goes on.  We’re all sinners, so I’m not looking for a savior.  I already found one.

    If I vote, I will support someone who cherishes American values over foreign ideologies.  I am looking for a candidate who speaks earnestly and truthfully about their game plan for America.  I shun people who are full of themselves (which is why I have reservations about Trump) and have a good track record for delivering on their promises (strike two).

    No matter — if I vote, it won’t be because some moron named Mitt Romney told me that so-in-so is better for America than such-and-such.  Romney doesn’t know what’s good for America; he only knows what’s best for himself.  And believe me when I say that anyone who relies on Swift or that other chick to help them decide America’s future shouldn’t be allowed to vote in the first place.     

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