The Holder Mis-Step

Eric Holder has to realize one thing…he doesn’t matter anymore. Not that he really mattered much in the first place, when he was Attorney General…but today, he’s totally useless in a political sense. And that’s got to feel bad for him…but that’s the truth.

Holder recently came out in a speech at Georgetown University and blasted current Attorney General, Jeff Sessions for firing Andrew McCabe, saying it borders on “Obstruction of Justice”. Of course, this is coming from the last Attorney General to be held in Contempt of Congress, which he said didn’t mean anything (and he was right on that account). Holder is a non-entity, who’s opinion matters less than yours or mine.

Let’s face the facts when it comes to McCabe’s firing.

First of all, should Sessions have fired him? Yes. Jeff Sessions didn’t make the determination to fire McCabe. Investigators at the FBI (including Obama appointees) made that determination. Sessions only carried out their findings of the investigation that said that McCabe should be fired. So, you really can’t blame this one on Jeff Sessions. You have to blame the investigation team, and even Obama appointed members of that team that found that McCabe needed to be fired.

Second, let’s look at what the media is spinning as a move to take out McCabe’s retirement pension. That is fake news. McCabe doesn’t lose one red cent of his retirement. He’s going to get it all. What he lost by getting fired before his retirement date was getting to that money early. He has to wait until he’s 70 before he gets his retirement now. That’s instead of getting it at 50, like what he wanted. So, in essence, he’s being fined 20 years of his retirement. That part I’ll agree with. But he’s NOT losing it. The money will be there for him…just not available to him at this point in time.

Eric Holder knows this. Or at least you would think he does. But does he bring this up? Nope. Doesn’t say a word about it. Because Holder is a dyed in the wool liberal that only cares about politics and optics and doesn’t care about what’s right or wrong, or as what we saw when he was Attorney General, legal or illegal. He doesn’t care about the law anymore than Obama did. He only cares about getting his way, and somewhere along the way, he amassed this huge ego that won’t allow him to believe for one second that he’s wrong about anything. That’s very dangerous for anyone to assume that!

So, in the end analysis…Eric Holder probably would do us all a favor to crawl in a hole somewhere, write a book, like every other Obama era liberal will write that no one worth their salt will read, and leave society alone. His time is past. He’s a has-been…and he needs to go away and stop making insane, politically biased remarks that are just plain wrong.

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!