Making Sense Of The Senseless

Over the weekend, there were two incredibly evil acts of violence that tore apart not only El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, where about 30 people were senselessly murdered by two gunmen. One of them, the one in El Paso, was an admitted white nationalist and was out to try and murder immigrants. The other in Dayton, was killed, and the motive wasn’t entirely made clear. The shooter in Dayton was a Satanist, and a leftist liberal.

What is clear is that the left loves to politicize this tragedy. We see it every time there is a mass shooting of any kind. You can almost write the script as it happens…there is the obligatory wailing and gnashing of teeth followed by the immediate call for more gun control.

If you are in the camp that agrees that gun control is the answer to stop this violence, you also would believe that stopping abortion would be necessary to stop the senseless killing of children. For to believe one but not the other is inconsistent. You can’t come out as very anti-gun violence, and still be for abortion in any sense of the word…it doesn’t make sense.

Let’s be clear about the gun violence. People that are deranged are going to figure out a way to kill people regardless if guns are available or not. Go back to 1888 in England. There were five women murdered by a still unknown assailant who later became known as “Jack The Ripper”. No gun was used. All of the victims were strangled to death.

In today’s society, the problem isn’t necessarily the guns, it’s the mental condition of the people buying or using them. Obviously in the two cases over the weekend, both of these people were mentally ill and should not have been allowed to own or use them. But what I find interesting is the fallacy in the liberal way of thinking.

The biggest misconception the left has in this particular situation is that they feel that more laws are going to be the answer. They are convinced that if you just had strong enough laws, up to and including taking away guns from everybody, then you wouldn’t have to worry about gun violence anymore. That is an extremely naive way of thinking. In truth, even if you took guns away from the law abiding people of this country, there would still be guns in this country. Drugs are illegal in this country, and you still have drugs. Murder is still illegal in this country and you still have murder.

The problem isn’t the guns, it’s the people. If these gunmen know going into their shooting rampage that the odds are they are going to be killed, do you think they really care if they are breaking the law or not? And for the leftist snowflakes that want to blame the President, or the Republicans for this, they are so far off the reservation on this one, I would question their ability to serve in any political capacity. They aren’t leaders. They’re sheep.

When America wakes up and realizes that prior to buying a gun, it needs to be determined that the buyer is sane, mentally ill, or poses a threat to people if he or she owned a gun. If there is anything that would show that they would, deny them access. Now, I’ll be the first to admit, that isn’t going to completely stop mass shootings…but then again, the left can’t guarantee that in any sense of the word either.

I’ve always made the offer that I would back any left-wing proposal to eliminate guns in this country under one condition. Let the left write the rule. Whatever they want as long as it pertains only to gun control would be allowed. And after the first murder by firearm that occurs in this country, they lose their right to ever ask for anyone to be denied access to guns ever again. No one would ever take me up on that…because they understand they are just about amassing power. And the only way to do that is to take it from the people. That’s the one thing they are best at!

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

2 thoughts on “Making Sense Of The Senseless

  1. Gun control laws don’t stop crime and never will!

    The reason why the NRA is pretty much opposed to any new laws regarding gun control is because they understand the true meaning of being a “Progressive” and their agenda. Adam Corolla said it best using smoking as a metaphor…I’ll summarize:

    We use to be allowed to smoke in our favorite restaurants until one day the maitre d’ came over and said, “Sorry sir, but we only allow smoking in the smoking-section”. So we picked up our things and moved.

    Shortly thereafter we were smoking in the “smoking-section” of our favorite restaurant when the maitre-d’ came over and said, “Sorry sir, but we only allow smoking at the bar”. So we picked up our things and moved to the bar.

    Then one night we went to our favorite restaurant and discovered it became smoke-free. We would have to go outside and have our smoke. So, one night after finishing our meal we stepped outside to have a smoke and were told, “Sorry sir, you can’t smoke this close to the front door. You’ll need to move down the street to the Park.”

    So one day we were smoking in the Park when someone came over and said, “Sorry sir, but there’s no smoking allowed in the Park.”

    The NRA understands that if they make any concession, regardless of how small, they will have opened the door to the slow incremental movement to a total ban on guns. Laws limiting the size of a magazine didn’t work. The one shooter had a 100 round dual drum magazine on an AR-15! But the truth is these problems can’t be solved by the federal government passing more laws because they’re too far removed. The farther away the governing authority is from the problem, the less effective they are. These problems need to be addressed from within the cities, towns, and community’s where they exist. They need to be addressed from within by the leaders of the community and citizens who are the only ones who understand why these local problems exist in their towns. More laws isn’t the real problem. The real problem is the environment our youth are growing up in, whether it was an abusive childhood, single parent household, or 16 hours a day playing video games. These issues can all cause mental health problems. Sure, your kid may have 1000 friends on Facebook, but does he actually know or met more than 1% of them!

    It shouldn’t be any surprise why these people commit these awful crimes. They commit them because they don’t obey the laws to begin with! Hmmm? So let’s pass more laws!.. IDIOTS!

    For GOD and Country

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