Did Biden Know About Iran Attack?

If you think back to the end of last week, Joe Biden was addressing the American people about the presumed attack that Iran was planning on Israel. Now, there was a lot of chatter about it. It wasn’t a big surprise that an Iranian response was coming, after Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, Gen Mohammad Hadi Hajriahimi, Hussein Youssef, along with five other Iran Revolutionary Guard Officers were killed.

What I thought was interesting was that as Biden addressed that press (and subsequently, the nation), he mentioned that he felt the attack “was coming in the next 24-48 hours”. That meant he felt it was going to happen either this past Saturday or Sunday. There are two things that bother me about that statement.

First is, if he KNEW that there was going to be an Iranian attack on Israel, which could certainly be considered an act of war, why did he then leave after the comments, and go to Rehoboth Beach? It would seem to me an active president would want to stay in the Situation Room and monitor the happenings, so he could be on top of things as they happened. Instead, Joe went to his beach house. Another vacation.

But equally as troubling is, HOW did he know that the attack would happen in 24-48 hours? Well, to answer that one, we need to go no further than X (or Twitter).

Now, I’m not naive enough to believe that the United States’ intelligence community is blind to things happening around the world. No, I don’t think we’re as good as Mossad, necessarily, as they are considered to have the world’s best intelligence gathering network. But we’re pretty darn good. What IS troubling is that the US apparently (according to the Turkish diplomatic source) conveyed to Iran through Turkey that the operation of “responding” to Israel must be “within certain limits”. That’s troubling. Apparently, as Brent Scher stated in his post, Biden not only knew about the attack ahead of time, but he okayed it so long as it was within certain limitations.

As we now know, those “certain limitations” were aimed not at killing civilians, or even the military in Israel, since no one was injured, but were there as basically a propaganda tool that Iran can use to show it’s people that they had responded in kind for the killing of their Revolutionary Guard officers at a consulate. If I were Bibi Netanyahu and found out that Biden had okayed the attack ahead of time, I think I would be rather upset at the United States, and certainly Joe Biden. And as others have pointed out, wouldn’t this be an impeachable offense because Biden appears to be giving aid and comfort to the enemy? Just asking the question here!

The point that should be interesting moving forward isn’t if Biden will face repercussions for his actions, but how the Republicans will respond to this development. It certainly wouldn’t surprise me to see some sort of investigation going on in the Capitol. But I doubt anything of consequence will happen. The Congress is just too divided for that.

And that is a shame.

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

9 thoughts on “Did Biden Know About Iran Attack?

  1. Biden is absolutely spinless but in addition he has no moral judgement. I honestly don’t know how he can look himself in the mirror.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is all just posturing, imo. Much as I discussed in Election 2016 – the Freud interview. Of course, the interview was fiction. A literary device to make a point. However, it reflects what’s going on.
    ~ This is a territorial dispute that has been going on for, not since 1947, but for thousands of years.
    Apparently, Iran let everyone know (great spook work not needed) they were going to flex, but w/o killing anyone.
    ~ No one wants war; but a two-state solution is not possible, or it would have happened by now. Maybe the two “tribes” can coexist; but Israel most be dominate, or leave – give up the land. And go where? Here? We’ve got a lot of open space. Not gonna happen.
    ~ Iran was just trying to show – it’s a gorilla, too. But they know also if real war comes they lose. Everything. So both tribes are pounding their chests trying to get the other to back down. It’s a dangerous game because we’re not talking tooth and claw.
    Israel has had enough, so too Hamas, and the others. What a mess. Who’s in charge? We are. And we’ve got a creepy, lying, addled fool as chief, or Alpha male.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mark, why the heck aren’t you on TV as a commentator? Or in the Senate, where we need someone with intelligence. Or at the very least in the House? That was the most concise, yet intelligent analysis of the Middle East problems I have ever read. And for those of you that read these comments, Mark’s book, “Election 2016” is one of the best reads I’ve had EVER! Highly recommend that you pick up a copy and read it. Makes TONS of sense!


  3. Yup! And the list of impeachable offenses just keeps getting longer but…Joe’s a Democrat so nothing will ever happen to him.

    The way he left Afghanistan is the only reason I need! The SOB.

    Just when you think it can’t get any worse, it does!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. One might think the CIA (who briefs the president via the PDB daily) would know what the enemy is considering (given the amount of money allotted to the CIA annually), but then we might have thought the CIA was on top of the events on 9/11 too – and how did that work out?

    I suppose that Biden has so much hate for this country that he had no hesitation in serving as Obama’s vice president.  You remember Obama, right – the man who insisted that we make fundamental changes to the greatest country on Earth?  Biden had no hesitation in selecting someone to serve as his vice president, who would further diminish that office.  As for the presidency, he has done nothing but sully the office over the past three and a half years.  He implemented every policy that would harm the United States and its legal residents.

    Of course, the scary part of this story is that around half of the American people hate their country as much as Biden does (for various reasons).  The only solution to this problem is one that none of us can imagine happening (again) – but such an event is always possible in a house divided as much as ours.  If that was Biden’s goal, to put the icing on Obama’s cake, then mission accomplished. 

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Mustang, for keeping us reminded at the problems of the last Democrat administration. I always felt that Obama did more damage to the country than good, and the only true thing the guy did (which I have never agreed with) was the step toward Universal Healthcare (known as either Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act). Other than that, the guy and his family took millions of dollars in vacations on the US taxpayer and set themselves up as multi-millionaires after leaving office.


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