Could Trump Actually Lose?

With all of the media clamoring about how Joe Biden is having a hard time doing what you and I probably do in a normal day, and that he can’t put two sentences together without screwing up, it’s a wonder that Donald Trump could actually lose to Biden, right? I mean, here we have a guy that’s so old, so out of touch, so addle-minded, that how in the world could anyone in their right mind pull the trigger and vote for him?

Well, they could.

Actually, Trump can lose again to Biden if he has some bad luck. He really doesn’t even need bad luck, just certain things to go his way. The Hill came out with the five hurdles that could screw up Trump’s reelection chances, recently. And while I don’t agree with all of them, some of them are valid.

  1. How much will the conviction on 34 counts actually hurt him? Well, since most of his trials have been postponed until probably after the election, it comes down to whether enough independents turn against him and believe in the conviction. This one is interesting. And you know as well as I do that he’s going to get the whole thing thrown out on appeal, but that won’t take place until after the election. About 20% of the people say they will “reconsider” voting for Trump if he’s convicted of a crime, but only 4% say they won’t vote for him. That could be enough to sway the election, especially in the battleground states where Trump leads Biden in six of the seven states, but only leads in three states by more than four points.

2. What happens if Trump actually falls apart during one of the two scheduled debates? Trump is saying Biden is a terrible debater, and I would tend to disagree with him on that. Biden had been a decent, but not great debater in his prime. Now, he’s an old man that has no business being on the stage. But the fear is that Trump plays it wrong. If Trump is seen as a bully, or someone that rambles on about his own accomplishments (kind of like he did during the Bronx rally), then the ego has a tendency to take over. That’s never good in debates. Just ask Al Gore who watched his presidential dreams disappear when he debated George W. Bush in 2000, and constantly sighed and chortled during Bush’s answers. It could happen. Not likely, but possible.

3. One of the other things that could happen, and again, it’s not likely, is that somehow the Democrats are able to turn the messaging away from the economy and the border as the top two issues, and again focus on abortion. That’s in the playbook, and Biden is going to attack it as hard as he can. K-baby Harris is already on the campaign trail hitting college campuses and is already talking about totally losing “a woman’s right to choose”. But as I’ve said, the right is always there…it’s just a lot earlier than what K-baby is talking about. Her right to choose is to choose whether or not she has sex with the guy. But again, it could happen.

4. What if something happened that Trump had nothing to do with? The Hill points out that it happened to Kristi Noem, the South Dakota Governor, when she admitted she killed a dog. All hell broke loose. It’s the whole “hockey mom” thing that helped sink Sarah Palin’s bid to become Vice President. Of course, she didn’t need to help John McCain’s hopeless candidacy to lose, he was doing great on his own. But the point here is, if Trump says something, and the left takes it out of context, is it going to be able to sink him if he can’t rectify it in time? It happens to all politicians at one point or another.

5. Finally, there’s the theory that the “blue wall” of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, that helped spur Biden to victory in 2020 will re-emerge again in 2024. Trump leads in all of those states right now, but if Biden is able to win two of the three, it could be over for Trump. That could happen, though at this point it seems unlikely.

One thing Trump has going for him is his ability to flip states. He did it in 2016, but didn’t do it in 2020 because he was the incumbent, but ran like he was the challenger. And he wasn’t able to defend against Biden’s claim that he could “reunited America” which he hasn’t come close to doing. But if Trump could flip a solid blue state, something like a New Jersey, or a New York (which he said at the Bronx rally he could do), it would be game over for Biden. Joe Biden cannot afford to lose a solid blue state. That means if Minnesota, or New Jersey, or New York, or even some place like Virginia were to flip, he’d be dead man walking.

As it sits today, I think the odds are more likely that this one becomes a blowout and Biden, if he does end up running all the way through the election, which more and more people doubt, will get crushed in the Electoral College, and maybe even the popular vote. Stranger things have happened!

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

7 thoughts on “Could Trump Actually Lose?

  1. Once again, I agree with you. 

    Let’s delve into the intriguing question of whether the 2020 election was stolen from Trump. While this claim has been made, how many have truly pondered the logistics of such an operation?  What would it require to manipulate the results in enough states to sway the Electoral College? And could such a feat be kept entirely under wraps?

    I rather think that Trump un-did himself in two areas. First, he piddled around announcing his (serious) reelection bid until he had already lost ground to Soros Inc. Some powerful movers and shakers lined up against Trump in 2020 (and continue to line up against him today): Paul Ryan and Teneo, for starters, and the Soros machine. So, if Trump isn’t careful, he might once again shoot himself in the foot. I read earlier in the foreign press that Biden is favored among European heads of state.  We know why, of course.  Knowledge of this support might help Trump if the word got out, but I suspect that most people who supported Biden in 2020 will support him in 2024.  If Trump is over-estimating his own footprint while under-estimating Biden’s, then he probably doesn’t deserve to win the election.  Trump’s a smart man but lacks the skills of a true politician.

    Trump needs to win somewhere other than in his own mind.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think you nailed why he got beat in 2020 pretty well. But the difference this year is we have four years of Biden’s decision making and seeing HIM as president. We can judge how our lives are under Biden vs. how our lives were under Trump. I think most if they were being honest with themselves would have to say that up until March, 2020, their lives were MUCH better under Trump. That’s what he needs to be campaigning on, rather than talking about stolen elections that have never been proven, and how rotten he’s gotten treated. As Trump himself said, the best revenge happens on November 5th. He’s right on that account, IF he can keep his cool, and just ask the American public the simple question…were you better off when I was president, or better off when Biden was president?


  2. There is a real possibility that Trump will lose big … and I, for one, think that all this newsy stuff about how Democrats are walking away from Biden is part of a disinformation campaign for which the Democrats are well-known.  The surprise will occur again in November when it is revealed that Joe Biden pulled off the upset, and conservative Americans will be sitting around on their backyard stumps trying to figure out what happened.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I certainly hope that doesn’t happen. I think that is a very distinct possibility though. You’re right, but the biggest detriment (other than having Biden for four more years), is that it would prove all of those that thought 2020 was stolen right. I think there was fraud, yes, but not enough to change five states to blue. And if Biden were to erase as big a lead in the battleground states as Trump currently has, which IS possible, I think that would solidify in their minds the fact the Dems are just stealing elections. I’d like to think we live in a country where that sort of thing doesn’t happen. But then I never thought I’d see the “justice” that was meted out in New York!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’d like to think that there are many Democrats who say they’re going to vote for Biden will hold their noses and vote for Trump?

    Anybody with real intellectual integrity understands that pretty much everything they accused Trump of was manufactured, not to mention the pain they are feeling at the pump and grocery store everyday.

    We now know that the FBI knew the laptop was real back in 2018! And we now know that the Russia, Russia, Russia accusation was fake News. We are also learning that the J6 committee withheld evidence and we suddenly learned that Nancy Pelosi was the reason there was no security at the capitol.

    They impeached Trump twice. Once when he was out of office???? How does that happen?

    We are also seeing how the Dem’s just keep doubling-down. New York has pulled Trump’s conceal carry permit and now the New Jersey liquor control board is considering pulling his Bedminster golf course liquor license!

    I think the Dem’s have already jumped the shark and the public see’s right thru it.

    I worry more about the mail-in ballots, voting machines, and suddenly finding bundles of ballots in a closet!

    Let’s just hope the Republican’s have enough boots on the ground and are allowed to actually watch the process and not from 10 feet away or at 2 o’clock in the morning!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There is no doubt in my mind you’re going to see a total meltdown if Trump wins this election. By all accounts at this point (even though it’s still early), it shouldn’t be as close as everyone thinks. Gonna have to wait and see what October surprise the Dems have waiting… you know one is coming!


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