Here’s Why Pelosi Is Wrong About November

Nancy Pelosi swears (amid many stumbles and gaffes) that Democrats are poised to re-take the House of Representatives in November, and most assuredly the Senate. That means that Donald Trump would certainly be impeached (for what, she’s not sure), and that there would be no further nomination of Supreme Court Justices approved.

Once again, Pelosi is all talk, no action.

Here’s why Democrats aren’t going to do squat in November. We have history of this to look at. Think back a few years, when the Tea Party started to take hold in the Republican ranks. Remember how the Tea Party ran candidates in primaries around the country, and were pretty successful at unseating several GOP incumbents. Well, the people that the Tea Party ran, while victorious in the primary, proved to be too conservative to be elected in the general election. Overall, while they managed to win a few races, they got swamped.

Today the same thing is happening to the Democrats. Embarrassed and pissed at what happened in 2016 because they ran a terrible candidate for president, and got swept aside by Donald Trump who they viewed as a joke from the time he thought about running for president, Democrats are more determined than ever to regain power. The problem is, it’s not the mainstream Dems that are the ones that are doing the screaming. It’s the Bernie Sanders wing of the Democrats. And really, truth be told, he’s more conservative than most of that wing would like. So, you have a very socialist wing of the Democrat party running wild, much like the Tea Party did on the GOP side. And yes, they will win some primaries here and there, like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ win over Joe Crowley in the New York 14th Congressional District Primary.

The problem that Democrats don’t see, primarily because the MSM is celebrating Ocasio-Cortez’ win, is that many socialist Democrats are in districts that aren’t as heavily liberal as hers is, and they are likely to lose the general election. That means that while traditionally there is a pick up of seats in the House and Senate going to the out of White House power party, this may be an outlier year. The Tea Party screwed up the GOP for a few election cycles, until they finally realized that they weren’t having the desired effect. The Democrats have yet to witness the same thing. That means that they are going to make the same mistakes, only on the liberal/socialist side that the GOP made on the conservative side. Mark my words…Pelosi is wrong (as usual)…and the Democrats won’t be taking over either the House or the Senate this fall.

One of the other factors will be the Supreme Court. It will energize both parties, but I have a feeling the GOP is now more energized to get out and make sure the Court takes a sharp turn to the right. And if that’s the case, and the GOP actually picks up a few seats in the Senate, what’s going to happen is that when both Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Steven Breyer leave the court in the next couple of years, this court is going to be remarkably conservative.

Go ahead…mark my words. You can’t argue with greatness!

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!