The Truth Comes Out

You know…the truth usually DOES come out…eventually. Sometimes it takes a few days, or weeks. And in this case, it took a little longer…but the truth came out.

So, why did Christine Blasey Ford come forward with her false accusations of rape and sexual misconduct against then Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh? Well, the answer was revealed the other day by Debra Katz, a very progressive women’s attorney.

Apparently, it wasn’t to seek justice. Blasey Ford knew she hadn’t been raped or molested at some party. That was all an act. It was basically “to put an asterisk next to Kavanaugh’s name in case he ruled against abortion”.

That’s right. It has now come out that yes, the whole thing we watched on TV was a sham. Kavanaugh never molested or raped that woman. She did it because of her fear that he would end up ruling against Roe v. Wade. So, she lied.

She lied to Congress. She lied to the American people. She lied to herself and her family. It was yet another in a very long laundry list of liberal snowflakes believing that the ends justifies the means. And she’s dead wrong.

First and foremost, this woman needs to be brought back before Congress and be slapped with charges of lying to Congress. She needs to face criminal charges for filing a false claim and needs to spend some time in jail with a rather hefty fine. Because if she isn’t held accountable for lying to the American public on this one, every single snowflake out there is going to think they can lie and get away with it if they believe what they are doing is justified because it fits their political beliefs.

It makes me wonder how long the left has really been lying to us. It makes me wonder how many times we’ve been told one thing on purpose, with the left knowing it was a lie. We know damn well that the whole Russian Collusion thing was a set up and a lie. There was nothing factual about that. We know James Comey lied to the American people… and continues to lie to us to this day. We know Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and yes, Harry Reid all lie on a very consistent basis. We know Barack Obama lied to us constantly when he was president (If you like your doctor…), and continues to lie to us to this day (my administration didn’t have ANY scandals). We know Hillary Clinton lied to us throughout her campaign to be president. She lied about her email server and about no classified emails being sent on it. Hell, we know Bill Clinton lied when he said, “I never had sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky”.

So, I guess the question then becomes, can we believe anything any liberal says or are they all lies designed to fake America into believing what they want us to believe? Are you saying that there’s no such thing as wiping the student debt away? Is there no such thing a “free college tuition for all”? Is “Medicare for all” a fantasy?

Only when we Americans hold these liars responsible for their untruths are we going to get back to politics as normal. Truth is, after all, the cornerstone and bedrock of any relationship, being it marital, friendly, work-related, or even political. When you lie, you lose all credibility (just ask the mainstream media!). And the left has shown time and time again that they lie to achieve their ends. They should be banned!

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

3 thoughts on “The Truth Comes Out

  1. “Only when we Americans hold these liars responsible for their untruths are we going to get back to politics as normal.”

    I wouldn’t be holding my breath, and when was politic’s ever “normal”? The Republican’s are feckless and the Democrat’s are just downright self-serving lawless. The Dem’s are, “whatever is necessary, and at any cost”.

    Other than a very few Republican’s from the Freedom Caucus, I haven’t seen any signs that the Republican’s have a stomach to fight for anything other than their own reelection! But you’re right about one thing; it’s not going to change until WE THE PEOPLE kicks these bums out of office.

    Blasey Ford is small potatoes. She’s an easy target. It’s the big guns that I want to see in orange jump-suits! The Comey’s, Brennan’s, Clapper’s, Strozk’s, Clinton’s and others. These people used their position in government to betray the very people they were suppose to protect. These are, exactly, the “high-crimes” they talk about in the Constitution.

    Might be a good time to re-read Federalist 46 to understand the real reason we need the 2nd Amendment!

    For GOD and Country

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    1. We have had several instances over our history where politicians have been probably more uncivil than what we are seeing now. But I agree…the reason we need the 2nd Amendment isn’t because of hunting. It’s to overthrow the government should the need arise!


  2. So true! How long does this go on? Forever?? Surely hope not! Of course there are also some Conservatives who lie – surprise, surprise!


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