Wouldn’t It Be Something?

Well, I think it would be the ultimate in partisan political betrayal if people like Letitia James, and Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis, and Jack Smith all got sent over Niagara Falls in a barrel over their hatred toward Donald Trump. Let’s face it, these four people have been totally responsible for the months and months of speculation, and a few weeks of trial for Donald Trump.

And what is it getting them?

Pretty much a solid Republican base that is more committed to voting for Donald Trump now than ever before. When you think of where Trump was before all of these phony allegations were filed for nothing more than political reasons, making a total mockery of our judicial system, and where he is now, you have to shake your head and wonder if there are any brain cells left in the Democrat party. If Trump gets anything from a hung-jury to total (or even partial) acquittal in the Stormy Daniels case, which every single legal expert in the country says is a sham, then all people like Bragg, and judge Juan Merchan have done have succeeded in guaranteeing Joe Biden’s loss in November.

I think the real problem here, and the one in the earlier civil trial that Trump is appealing is that the Democrats were horrible at hiding their true intentions. How does a guy go from being a normal citizen one day (OK, as normal as a former president can be), to being charged with over 90 felonies in a very short span. You have to be a serial criminal for that. Trump may be a lot of things, but serial criminal is not one of them. And when Democrats have their back against the wall, it’s not when they’re their most dangerous, it’s when they lose all focus on reality.

I look back at the response of the Dems during all of the riots after George Floyd was killed. What did they do? Nothing. Well, Pelosi and her cronies got together wearing a Kente cloth stole, and knelt for eight minutes and forty-six seconds (the amount of time the cop, Derek Chauvin, had his knee on Floyd’s throat). What did it prove? Nothing. What was the reaction? Black people everywhere were enraged that Pelosi and company would take something that the community feels is sacred and a direct tie to their African heritage, and mock blacks over wearing it (and Pelosi even wore it over a red outfit, so she’d stand out better).

You’ve got the two impeachments of Trump, one over a phone call, that basically wasn’t as bad as the one Joe Biden made (and boasts about to this day) to the Ukrainian leader, that he was going to withhold a billion dollars to Ukraine unless a prosecutor looking into Barisma, a company his son was on the Board of Directors of, were fired. The prosecutor ended up getting fired, and Ukraine ended up with the aid. But Trump was just asking a few questions, and that was enough of an excuse for the folks with Trump Derangement Syndrome to impeach him. Then of course, he was impeached after January 6th’s riots in the Capitol Building. But as it turns out, you really can’t impeach anyone (and make it stick) after they have physically left the office. That was just a dumb move that only highlighted the fact that Democrats never wanted Trump to run for office again.

And now you’ve got lawfare. Five separate attempts to get Trump to either plead guilty or be found guilty, four of which would cause Democrats to forever label him “a convicted criminal”. Even though as each case was looked at closer, they were nothing more than shams, all of them. The only reason that the trial in New York went forward was because of the liberal bias of not only Bragg and Merchan, but also the appellate court, but the Governor as well, all suffer from TDS.

All these things do is solidify the Republican base. And in the cases of lawfare, it’s brought an overwhelming number of independents that voted for Biden the last time, over to Trump. And the only reason Democrats are doing this in the first place? They can’t run on Biden’s record when you hold it up against Trump’s. Period.

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

6 thoughts on “Wouldn’t It Be Something?

  1. And to top it all off, we now learn that the FBI authorized deadly force just to go and pick-up some papers?

    I think we know what was in those papers that they were trying to get back and it doesn’t look good for the Obama administration.

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  2. My view is that Democrats and anti-Trumpers are simply mean and vindictive.  They had their day in court during two (2) impeachment trials and lost on both occasions.  I don’t understand how what has happened couldn’t be “malicious prosecution” or “double jeopardy.”  This unhappy situation began to unravel when certain individuals in the South were acquitted of murder and kidnapping charges during the 1960s, so the DOJ asked Congress to ram through civil rights statutes so that the acquitted could be recharged and retried.  It stank then, and it stinks now.

    I realize you’re speaking now of the wider issue, but let’s not forget that people have suffered under this government’s heavy hand — which is but one consequence of its phony righteousness. Whatever goes around, comes around.     

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    1. Madd, I think that’s because you’ve once again hit the nail on the head. There IS no consequence for all the crap they pull. Ever. When we get smart enough to make it hurt them for a long time when they pull this garbage, then maybe they’d listen. Maybe something like if you’re caught doing any election fraud, the offended party automatically wins the election? Nah, that probably wouldn’t fly. But you get my drift! Always good to hear from you!!

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