Worse Than Watergate?

You know what bothers me the most over this whole “Russian Collusion” thing? It’s the simple fact that Democrats keep pushing trying to find anything to de-legitimize a presidency that is legit. Now, there’s an article out that because Jeff Sessions has fired the FBI’s Andrew McCabe (after an investigation run by Obama era people said he should be fired), that “this is going to be worse than Watergate” when all the facts are known.

OK…show me the facts!

So far, all I’ve seen and heard are a bunch of whining cry-babies on TV shows, and in politics who are pissed that they lost an election they felt they should have won. Sorry, Democrats…you blew the last election worse than John McCain or Bob Dole blew their chance at the White House. You put someone up for nomination that had more baggage than the porter at the Ritz Carlton.  And she was an extremely poor candidate who had extremely poor guidance in her campaign team.

So, what’s REALLY going to be worse than Watergate? It’s actually going to be Hillary Clinton’s fate IF the true facts in the case are allowed to be played out. So far, while the Democrats are manufacturing fake news and fake documentation about Donald Trump, there is an all too REAL case of embezzlement, a real case of national security breaches for personal gain, a real case of a rogue Secretary of State gone off the rails that needs to be played out. My question is…who is protecting Hillary Clinton…and why?

Those are the real questions here. Worse than Watergate? Yup…I feel that if the American public were to actually learn the truth of what that woman did to damage our country, our freedoms, and our way of life, just to become a millionaire and live the life she had always dreamed of, there would be an incredible outpouring to bring her to justice.

I know that Hillary’s point of view is that this is some “vast right-wing conspiracy”. I think that’s a red herring. You don’t get tied to so many scandals you lose count, and not be found guilty of any of them. That just doesn’t happen. Look at the lives the Clinton’s have ruined. Look at the people who are dead that were associated with them. Look at the various “explanations” that they have proffered to try and get out of it. Michael Flynn got nailed because of lying to the FBI. Are you telling me that Hillary Clinton has been entirely truthful?

This is exactly what Donald Trump talked about when he said he wanted to “drain the swamp”. It reeks with corruption and an “above the law” mantra that permeates that city to the core. I’m not sure if the swamp can be drained, or as Thomas Jefferson said, we need to have a revolution to cleanse ourselves. Either way…yes…Hillary Clinton’s campaign and consequent scandals ARE worse than Watergate. And the Democrats should pay for it for generations to come!

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

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