Maxine’s Words Come Back To Haunt Her

Let’s go back in time a little bit, shall we? How about six years ago. Donald Trump was the President of the United States, and he was doing an admirable job. The economy was humming along nicely. People of all races, creeds, colors, religions, and even sexual orientations were working. Unemployment was at record low levels. Trump had succeeded in putting “America first”, much to the chagrin of some of our allies who really wanted America to pay for their foibles.

So, what did the prissy little Maxine Waters have to say about it all? Besides screaming, “Impeach 45” anytime there were cameras near her, she demanded that her supporters harass Donald Trump, and those that worked for him any time they saw them. She wanted her minions to follow these folks to the bank, the grocery store, the dry cleaners, and scream constantly at them.

My how the times have changed!

Six years later, the shoe seems to be on the other foot. Nowadays, Maxine is the one that seems to be getting the people following her, and calling her out. And she doesn’t like it one bit! Her comment was, “As a member of Congress, when people, you know, who evidently had a racist attitude, and recently one of them even confronted me in a restaurant. And they don’t say racist things, but what they say is they don’t like something I said, they don’t like a position that I took, but you know that, you know, if you were not black, you would not be approached that way.”

She played the race card.

And of course, video of that comment took off and became viral on X after her tirade. Apparently, it’s OK for us regular folks to go after Republicans in power, but as a “member of Congress”, you are racist if you disagree with someone that is black, or certainly a long time member of the House of Representatives! That’s unforgivable.

The hypocrisy here is about as loud as it can get. Maxine doesn’t like it when she’s called out for her uber-leftist views and racist comments. But she’s alright if Donald Trump and his staff feel that the heat. First off, let’s be clear, questioning someone’s policies, or their stance on an issue is not necessarily racist. It happens all the time to members of both parties, and race doesn’t play a part in probably 99% of it. I’m sure there are some folks out there that are indeed racist, but that’s not the overwhelming minority of what we’re talking about. I’m sure those are isolated examples. And I have no idea how Maxine Waters can determine that someone “evidently had a racist attitude”, or whether they just didn’t like her position on an issue.

The mere fact that she was about as unprofessional and rude as a politician could get toward Trump and his staff is not lost on the fact that anytime someone disagreed with her, it was because of race. Maybe SHE was the one that was racist when she was attacking Trump. Did anyone ever think about that?

The good news in all of this is, Maxine Waters is 85 years old. She doesn’t have much time left on this earth, so we don’t have to put up with her for long. And I’d say that if she were black, white, brown, red, yellow, or green. The color of her skin doesn’t matter. When you’re an idiot, it transcends race.

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

5 thoughts on “Maxine’s Words Come Back To Haunt Her

  1. Poor Maxine! Her being Black didn’t seem to stop her from becoming a high powered, millionaire congressman?

    I think this Black excuse has lost its flavor. Its become the new boy who cried wolf!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. And with the economy the way it is, that’s one reason you’re seeing a lot of African Americans bolting…maybe not voting for Trump, but certainly sitting home!


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