Which Party Brings The Best Candidates?

I got thinking after doing some extra reading on the Michael Avenatti situation yesterday, about presidential candidates and which party, the Dems or the GOP which actually does a better job at fitting what America is looking for to the candidate they put up for nomination. It was rather interesting!

If you go back to let’s say, just after Watergate (because I don’t want to bore you with a Truman versus Dewey debate), you had a country that was totally not believing that the federal government was a good place. They wanted an outsider. The GOP ran Gerald Ford, who had pardoned Richard Nixon and was pretty unimpressive during his “appointed” presidency, and some peanut farmer and former Georgia Governor named Jimmy Carter. It was a shoo-in. In fact, it really wasn’t even close. The Dems saw what was needed, a new face, provided it, and got him elected. Unfortunately, he was actually a worse president than Ford. Count that as one for the Democrats.

Move ahead. Carter runs for re-election. He’s had a terrible term because of the Iran hostage situation, high interest rates, an economy that he had no clue how to handle,  and just plain stupidity with his cabinet. Enter the GOP pick. A guy that wanted you to feel good about being an American. Remember “It’s morning in America”? That was Ronald Reagan, and I’m convinced that he wasn’t the great president, he was ACTING the great president. We the people bought it, he delivered the role of a lifetime, and actually became a great president. By the way, he had practiced that philosophy ever since he was a spokesperson for GE back in the 1950’s. He had his lines down pat! That’s one for the GOP. America was happy with his job and had him back for a second go in 1984, beating Walter Mondale. We won’t count that one (but we could).

After Reagan, it was his vice president, George HW Bush against Michael Dukakis. America was extremely happy with Reagan and the job he did, and let’s face it, Dukakis riding around in a tank trying to show he was pro-military was a bit of buffoonery. America chose to stick with what they knew (or thought they knew). Score another for the GOP.

After Bush’s “Read my lips, no new taxes” comment, then raising taxes, America again wanted someone that “wasn’t a politician”. They turned to another southern governor who could charm the pants off of any lady…and oops…he did quite a bit…Bill Clinton. Score another for the Democrats…we’re tied 2-2 if you’re keeping score at home. Like Reagan before him, even though he was impeached starting in early December 1988. Of course, the GOP ran one of their worst candidates ever in Bob Dole. Again, we won’t count this one…two politicians, one that was terrible, one that just got impeached.

After Clinton’s term, it was on to Al Gore vs. George W. Bush. And the country was in the mood for change again. A younger, fresher face in Bush (though some questioned his intelligence) led to Bush getting the nod. GOP leads 3-2.

Bush’s second term win was against the haughty Vietnam Veteran, John Kerry. It showed basically the country enjoyed what they had, even if he couldn’t put the right words together…they didn’t want some Massachusett’s wind-surfing, bike-riding, liberal. Again, we won’t count this one.

After Bush, it was Obama’s turn. America again was ready for a fresh face, and even a black president. That and the fact that John McCain was the third worst candidate ever to run for president. It was no contest. Obama in a landslide. And again we’re tied 3-3.

Finally, you have Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. One a tired, old-looking woman with a ton of baggage the entire porter department at the Plaza Hotel couldn’t handle against an upstart, brash, egocentric businessman who came from real estate and reality TV. It was the new face America was looking for. They went for Trump. GOP leads 4-3.

As we’ve seen in more of these “second-term” elections, unless the person was a total buffoon, like Carter and Ford, or made terrible gaffes in office like George HW Bush, typically, America will give the nod to the incumbent. Trump really hasn’t made any serious gaffes, and though his tweeting has been a sore spot for some (myself included), the economy is going strong, and he’s made a lot of the decisions America agrees with. If the Dems’ want to re-take the White House in 2020, they’ll have a tall order. They need to come up with someone that will out-Trump, Trump. I don’t think anyone in the current crop of potential candidates, and that includes Michael Arvenatti…can come close.

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

5 thoughts on “Which Party Brings The Best Candidates?

  1. The reason we’re taught never to discuss politics or religion is because you’re exposing your moral values to the whole world. The same goes when you openly campaign or promote a political candidate. So the next time you post a political poster on your front lawn or bumper-sticker you’re exposing yourself. If you love the Clinton’s then you must think that all the things Bill and Hillary have done are just fine! Or it’s okay to drive a young aid off a bridge in Massachusetts, let her drown, but not report the accident until you sober-up the next morning because you love the Kennedy’s. Or you love the clean, articulate Obama even though he never had a good thing to say about America. He says we stole our wealth off the backs of foreigners (and he stole his social security number) and Michelle was finally proud of America, but only after her husband became pResident! So be careful who you vote or campaign for because it says a lot more about YOU than the person you’re voting for.

    As a side note; the conservative news is going crazy because a federal judge ruled that the White House has to give Jim Acosta his press-pass back The conservative networks are demanding two things, that they should appeal that ruling or they should totally eliminate press briefings all together. Now…maybe I’m simple-minded or just plain stupid, but wouldn’t the easiest, no-drama, remedy be to simply give Acosta his press-pass back, allow him into the press briefings, but never call on him?!?!? I’m sure there are many reporters in that room from the lesser known News agencies that rarely ever get called upon but would love to ask a question. I would think the elephant in the room would become the word “civility”.

    For GOD and Country!

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    1. Just as an FYI, I never have a problem backing my candidates. But then of course, I do my homework. There was a reason why I didn’t have a Trump sign in my front yard…I didn’t back him 100%, but he was the better of two evils. I have always called him the second worst candidate in American history, beating the worst candidate.
      And yes, I agree 100% with you on Acosta. I’d never have taken away his press pass. But I never would have called on him in the future. We DO have freedom of the press, but there is nothing that says you have to give them equal time!


      1. I know you had campaign signs in your yard but PLEASE don’t think I was critisizing you. My only point was, when you openly and publicly express your political or religious views you give others the opportunity to judge you. But I’m with you. I’ll defend my opinions with the facts and not just some star-struck infatuation.

        BTW Good luck. I hope you make the Board again.

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      2. Oh, I never thought you were criticizing me. You have to understand, coming from the media, I either had to get tough skinned early or die because there are ALWAYS those that don’t like you. I chose the former, and really don’t care what those types think. If people disagree with me, or want to judge me, I can’t stop them. I’m comfortable with people not liking me or thinking ill of me…never bothers me a bit! And I appreciate you defending your opinions. Unlike some others who post here, you DO back up your arguments with facts!

        Thanks for the wish…we will see on December 11th…but you know what? I have a feeling the world will still be spinning on December 12th regardless what happens!!!


  2. I’m glad you wrote that Reagan grew into a fine president -even looking back that’s what I consider him to be. And you are right – he had his lines down – but he was smarter than people gave him credit for being! Interesting dissection!

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