Joe Needs To Make Up His Mind

OK, fresh from a cruise that I really enjoyed, but didn’t get a lot of opportunities to catch up on the news. But it seemed like since the beginning of the month, only two things happened… the college riots in favor of Hamas (that are eventually getting booted from the various campuses), and Donald Trump’s trial that goes on ad infinitum. But the one thing that I did hear that struck me was that Joe Biden was going to pull some 1,800 2-ton bombs from his shipment to Israel and some 700 other bombs because he doesn’t like the way Israel is advancing toward Rafah.

Joe needs to make up his mind.

He’s out there telling the world that our commitment to Israel is “ironclad”, yet he pulls back weapons that could certainly shorten Israel’s war to wipe out Hamas. And he’s in a world of hurt when it comes to making up his mind (what’s left of it?) So, he has this tightrope to walk that’s not very wide, but it is very long.

Do you favor our strongest ally in the region if not the world when they need it the most? Or, do you turn your back on your BFF, and stand behind the 20% of America that supports Hamas, like the 18-29 year olds that are on the college campuses rioting?

See, if Biden goes for the Israelis, he is turning his back on the youth vote, which has already called him “Genocide Joe”. They don’t like him for a number of reasons, and it seems that his giving over $1 trillion in student debt cancellations hasn’t been helping much. In the 2024 Harvard Spring Youth Poll, Biden leads Trump by only 8 points among the 18-29 crowd. In 2020, Biden beat Trump by about 25% with the same group. That’s a stunning loss! So, in key battleground states, if Biden were to back Israel, and the youth vote stays home or votes for either Trump or third party, Biden loses the election.

And, if Biden goes with the students to save the youth vote, which is doubtful he can do anyway, he’s going alienate the 5.8 million adult Jews living in this country. That’s a lot of votes considering in 2020, Jewish people voted for Biden 68 to 30 percent! And if Biden turns his back on those folks, he loses.

I guess you can say, he’s damned if he does, and damned if he doesn’t.

So, why not pick a side and get on with it, rather than upset both sides? That would be the more prudent thing to do. Back Israel, as every president since the Jewish State was formed has done, and get on with life. But Biden has consistently been listening to the extreme left wing of his party, and he needs the Islamic vote in Michigan in order to gain reelection. Of course, he needs to get the Jewish vote as well, or places like New York are going to come into play.

I’ve seen the latest poll numbers showing the race has been tightening in the key battleground states. That’s something that was bound to happen anyway. But Biden can’t be wishy-washy. It’s what Trump has been saying about him for months, and Biden proves it every time out.

Joe, you need to pick a side, and stick with it. America is waiting.

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

Did Biden Know About Iran Attack?

If you think back to the end of last week, Joe Biden was addressing the American people about the presumed attack that Iran was planning on Israel. Now, there was a lot of chatter about it. It wasn’t a big surprise that an Iranian response was coming, after Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, Gen Mohammad Hadi Hajriahimi, Hussein Youssef, along with five other Iran Revolutionary Guard Officers were killed.

What I thought was interesting was that as Biden addressed that press (and subsequently, the nation), he mentioned that he felt the attack “was coming in the next 24-48 hours”. That meant he felt it was going to happen either this past Saturday or Sunday. There are two things that bother me about that statement.

First is, if he KNEW that there was going to be an Iranian attack on Israel, which could certainly be considered an act of war, why did he then leave after the comments, and go to Rehoboth Beach? It would seem to me an active president would want to stay in the Situation Room and monitor the happenings, so he could be on top of things as they happened. Instead, Joe went to his beach house. Another vacation.

But equally as troubling is, HOW did he know that the attack would happen in 24-48 hours? Well, to answer that one, we need to go no further than X (or Twitter).

Now, I’m not naive enough to believe that the United States’ intelligence community is blind to things happening around the world. No, I don’t think we’re as good as Mossad, necessarily, as they are considered to have the world’s best intelligence gathering network. But we’re pretty darn good. What IS troubling is that the US apparently (according to the Turkish diplomatic source) conveyed to Iran through Turkey that the operation of “responding” to Israel must be “within certain limits”. That’s troubling. Apparently, as Brent Scher stated in his post, Biden not only knew about the attack ahead of time, but he okayed it so long as it was within certain limitations.

As we now know, those “certain limitations” were aimed not at killing civilians, or even the military in Israel, since no one was injured, but were there as basically a propaganda tool that Iran can use to show it’s people that they had responded in kind for the killing of their Revolutionary Guard officers at a consulate. If I were Bibi Netanyahu and found out that Biden had okayed the attack ahead of time, I think I would be rather upset at the United States, and certainly Joe Biden. And as others have pointed out, wouldn’t this be an impeachable offense because Biden appears to be giving aid and comfort to the enemy? Just asking the question here!

The point that should be interesting moving forward isn’t if Biden will face repercussions for his actions, but how the Republicans will respond to this development. It certainly wouldn’t surprise me to see some sort of investigation going on in the Capitol. But I doubt anything of consequence will happen. The Congress is just too divided for that.

And that is a shame.

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

World War III?

To hear the talking heads on TV ramble on, you would certainly think that World War III is just around the corner. Well, think about it for a minute. We’ve got Russia, a nuclear “superpower” fighting with little Ukraine, and basically involved in an Iraq/Iran type of standoff that is costing hundreds of thousands of lives from both sides. I think the number is in the half million range.

Next you’ve got Israel/Hamas going at it. There it’s not quite as bad. About 34,000 Palestinians and Israeli’s have lost their lives in that fight that has only gone on for six months or so. Most have come on the Palestinian side.

You’ve got China threatening to take over Taiwan, and acting like a spoiled child in the back seat of a long road trip.

And then you’ve got the real bad boy of the Middle East, Iran. They’ve been funding Hamas, Hezbollah, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the Yemeni Houthis. They’ve been the ones trying to goad Israel into war for decades, and may finally have been able to pull the trigger with Hezbollah fighting from the north and Hamas fighting from the west. And they may have done it with yesterday’s drone attack on Israel.

Now, you can figure out any number of reasons that this is happening now, and I know a lot of my liberal readers will choke on this one, but I would contend that some of the reason (not all, certainly) is because the United States has a feckless and weak leader in our current president.

Iran had a grand total of $12.2 billion in the bank on January 20, 2021. Then Joe Biden started lifting the sanctions that were in place in the Trump era. Trump’s sanctions allowed that figure to stay relatively low. However, in an attempt to get back into the JCPOA, Biden released $90 billion that had been frozen in his first few months in office, and while Iran was not allowed to sell oil on the world market, they made about $31.4 billion in 2023! That means they had around $139 billion on hand (about 10 times as much as under Trump) to spread their chaos. Now, there are other factors at work here, I get that, but let’s face it…you can’t underwrite all of the above mentioned proxies with $12.2 billion. That requires a LOT more cash.

Is Iran stupid enough to take on the United States military? Not on your life. So, why think it’s going to be World War III? Because it’s not just Iran. It’s Russia, who at the moment has their hands tied in what I would call a “test war” with Ukraine. It’s being fought, as was the annexation of Crimea, to test the American government’s response. And while it’s costing over 300,000 Russian lives so far, it’s showing that the United States is rather weak when it comes to a response. That rests solely on the shoulders of on Joesph Robinette Biden. He is after all, the Commander In Chief.

The way Biden has tried to prosecute the Ukrainian and the Israeli situation shows his weakness. Don’t think for a minute that our enemies haven’t noticed. Biden, as former Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates said, has been on the wrong side of every foreign policy issue for 50 years! He was the one that was against Bobo Obama going after Osama bin Laden for cryin’ out loud! And he’s made a mess of things in every foreign policy play he’s initiated, from trying to reinstate the US in the JCPOA, to our Afghanistan withdrawal, which went against all sane advice from Pentagon generals, to the current battles with Russia, China, and Iran.

And you need another reason for Donald Trump to be president?

I know there are a lot of our allies that didn’t love Trump because he put America first and not them. That’s basically why they didn’t like him. But they can’t argue with the fact he was able to cool down quite a few of the hot spots around the world without starting any new ones. And the current list of bad actors (Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea) weren’t much of a problem with Trump in charge. Look at what’s happened with Biden at the helm. I saw the same thing with Obama in charge (Russia annexes Crimea).

Now, obviously, there are indeed other factors that have played a role in this. But why is it that when there is a “peace-loving Democrat” in office, our enemies seem to get emboldened? It’s because they know they can. They didn’t try this under Trump, why? I think you know the answer.

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

Which Issue Is More Damning?

There are a couple of issues out there as we head into the actual election season that divide the two major political parties. Both have to deal with upsetting part of their base and what it would mean in the election.

For the Republicans, it’s trying to come up with a view on abortion that doesn’t upset the liberals that have had access to abortion for decades, and then may (depending on the state they live in) have either lost it or curtailed it. The GOP did a terrible job of answering that back in 2022, and that’s what’s considered to be why the “red wave” turned into a trickle. To date, the Republicans have yet to arrive at a cohesive reason for the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, and leaving abortion as a states issue. They need to coalesce around one thing and sell that. It could very well be that it’s a 15 week ban that may do it. Most Republicans agree with it and there is a large group of independents that would go along with that. While it doesn’t follow the “life begins at conception” argument, it does give the GOP some cover in their fight to protect the unborn.

As for the Democrats, it appears that the number one issue dividing them this election season is going to be the Hamas/Israel war and how the United States should react to it. More liberal, and younger members of that party are more inclined to side with Hamas and the Palestinians and demand that Joe Biden call for a cease fire. More moderate and older members of the party (a majority in Congress) are saying that we need to stick with Israel, our long time, and truly only ally in the Middle East. And it’s not just the Democrats. Jewish folks themselves seem split on this.

You would think that as a Jew, you’d be backing Israel against Hamas, especially after the terrorist group attacked Israel back on October 7th. But that’s not necessarily the case. 31% of Jews, usually the youngest, and the most liberal, feel that the attack on Israel was indeed justified! That’s a third of the Jewish population!

And yet, Joe Biden’s waffling over the whole affair, saying right after the attack on Israel that the United States stood “steadfastly” by our ally, and then once the leftists of his party called for a cease fire, Biden backpedaled, and started calling for the war to end quickly and return all of the hostages. Well, ending war and returning hostages is something everyone should be in favor of, but Biden has doubled down, saying as late as last week that if Israel doesn’t start doing what we want them to do, we may not fund the arms being sent over there.

And so, the arguments will continue as we get into the summer convention season. The key to watch in both is how each party handles their “tip-toe issue”. My hunch is that unless the GOP reaches a relatively unanimous agreement that a 15 week ban on abortion would be the best foot forward, you’re not going to hear anything coming out of their convention on that, unless Donald Trump mentions it in his acceptance speech.

As far as the Democrats are concerned, we’re already hearing that there will be protests and floor fights over the whole Hamas/Israel affair. And to what aim the Biden administration should be sending arms to Israel. That one is going to be interesting to watch and it most likely will happen unless there is a quick end to the war (unlikely), or Hamas releases all of it’s hostages (also unlikely).

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

Biden Has Another Worry For Reelection…

If I were Joe Biden, and of sound mind, I’d probably decide very quickly that this isn’t a very good climate to be running for reelection in. I think I’d probably want to sit this one out, and come January, head to a warmer clime until Rehoboth Beach warms up in say, May.

When you look at it Biden has an economy that regardless what he says is on the brink of a major recession. Inflation is still not under control, and prices have rocked the American people from the cost of a new car and gas to power it, to the cost of putting food on the table. Housing prices are through the roof, and that usually leads to a bubble burst. Add to that the problems with the southern border and the fact that Americans aren’t buying this “bi-partisan solution” that the House failed to pass, because it basically allowed over a million illegals into the country with no consequences, and gave a path to citizenship to all that were already here, and you’ve got a major problem. And then of course there is the crime problem, and the rising tide of what is being known as “migrant crime”, or crimes being committed by the illegals.

Can we heap one more thing onto that mess? The Israel/Hamas conflict is worrying many upper tier Democrats that Biden is trying to placate a small group of socialist liberals who back Hamas at the expense of the vast majority of Americans support Israel in the conflict (80% according to a Harvard CAPS-Harris poll). But in this instance, Biden is getting it from both sides.

You’ve got the 80% who support Israel who think that Biden is turning his back on the Jewish state because of his dislike of Bibi Netanyahu. And that’s Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. Then you’ve got the other 20% that back Hamas and Palestine that think Biden isn’t calling for a cease-fire strong enough and wants to protest Biden at every campaign stop. He’s basically in the proverbial “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” scenario.

And really, it’s been Biden’s fault. He came out originally in support of Israel. Then he heard from people like Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that he wasn’t supporting those poor Palestinians who were being taken advantage of. Never mind that it was Hamas that attacked Israel and this was Israel’s response to the attack. So, not wanting to lose the youth vote (only 55% of those 18-24 support Israel, compared to 75% 35-44, and 95% older than 45 that do), Biden recapitulated and started calling quietly for a cease-fire.

If Biden were to continue waffling on this one, you can tell he’s not only going to lose the pro-Israeli group, but he’s also going to see the youths and the pro-Palestinian group stay home and not vote for him. They are already out there voting “uncommitted” in the primaries. And while it’s only 20%, Biden needs ALL of them voting for him again in 2024 as they did in 2020 or he’ll get beat by Donald Trump.

In short, there is no easy way out for Biden in this one. Back that Palestinians and you lose 80% of the country. Back Israel and you lose 20% that overwhelmingly voted for you in 2020. It’s a tough road either way you look at it, and both roads lead to one thing…a loss in 2024.

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

Crystal Ball Take Two: Foreign Policy Version

Oh, I cannot begin to tell you how much I missed not having my crystal ball. Over the years it’s been such a relief to be able to gaze at it and see the future. Yesterday we discussed what was going to happen on a political front, and more of a domestic front, let’s look at the other side of a president’s coin…foreign policy, as my crystal ball is screaming at me again today!

I see that there are four basic areas of concern when it comes to foreign policy. The first is going to be the Russia/Ukraine war. Yes, the House will come to terms with the fact they want stronger border measures in this country before they give more money to Ukraine this spring. Mike Johnson, much to the chagrin of the very conservative members of his party will bring that to the floor. And with the help of Democrats who’ve been in favor of it all along, it will pass the House. And, Russia will end up when all is said and done having to deal with Donald Trump on this one once he’s sworn in as president. They will end up ceding back to Ukraine all of the territory they have taken in this war, but will end up keeping Crimea.

Oh, I see there is something brewing in the Middle East as well. The Israel/Hamas war is going to come to a close probably sometime in 2025. And I think part of it is going to be because of Trump’s election. Trump will fully back Israel (unlike Biden, who has waffled on this one), and with that backing, Israel will crush Hamas. Unfortunately, there will be some loss of life on the Palestinian’s side. And tensions won’t be going away any time soon.

The interesting thing about Trump’s reelection is going to be what happens with China’s attitude. Xi Jinping already has his hands full with an economy on the skids, and people not being able to live like they should. He wants badly to take back Taiwan, but can’t because he doesn’t have the wherewithal to do it, currently financing Russia’s war. With Trump in power, he’s going to have to put the brakes on the rhetoric about taking back Taiwan. In fact, I see that China isn’t going to b able to do it as long as Xi is in power. Tough break for China.

And there is one more flicker in the crystal ball. It has to do with Iran. I know there is a lot of concern of Iran’s involvement in the Middle East, and backing all sorts of proxies. The fear is it’s going to lead to World War III. Don’t worry. The last thing Iran really wants to do is to take on the United States and NATO countries. In fact, it’s the last thing a lot of NATO countries want since they still do business with the Persians. Iran today uses the USA as a rallying cry for it’s people, and there are a lot that don’t like the US, but there are a lot that don’t think we’re the Satan that their leadership says we are. There won’t be a World War III with Iran leading the way.

There you have it. After those four things, the crystal ball went cloudy again. Maybe later?

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

Is Haiti Becoming The Next Afghanistan?

There are as you read this, currently hundreds of United States citizens hunkered down for their lives in Haiti. That’s because there is a major upheaval going on in that island nation in the Caribbean. A former police officer named “Barbeque” has basically taken control of the island, the prime minister going to a four-day conference in Guyana, but now seemingly unable to return.

And the United States State Department under Joe Biden has told the world that they have zero plans to get the trapped US citizens out of that country. Zero. None. Leaving hundreds of our American citizens stranded. Which gets me to wondering just how many of them are Republicans? Fair question since Biden is trying everything up his sleeve to win reelection against very steep odds.

So, it is within the realm of fairness to ask if this is going to become another Afghanistan pullout? Are there going to be American bodies on the streets of Port-au-Prince? Or worse yet, at some makeshift airport, where they were hoping to get on an eviction flight? I mean, history does repeat itself, and when it comes to foreign policy, Robert Gates appears to have been right when he said that Joe Biden has been on the wrong side of every foreign policy decision!

My question is, why hasn’t the US State Department done more than just issued a Level Four warning to tourists and businesses to stay out of Haiti? Why haven’t they gone through their lists of folks who have registered on their website that they were going to be in Haiti, and figure out how to get them out? Wasn’t that part of their job as well? If not, why do we register with them in the first place?

I understand the Secretary of State Anthony Blinken may be really busy with the whole Ukraine/Russia thing, and the Israel/Hamas thing, and the China thing, and the rebel Houthi thing shooting at ships. But it’s still his job.

And where is Joe Biden in all of this? Well, he DID ask the UN Security Council to approve a security support mission to Haiti because of increased gang violence. That was back in September of last year. Since then? Crickets. He’s said nothing about the situation in six months. He hasn’t lifted a finger to try and get those hundreds of Americans back home. He’s abandoned them, as he did the thousands of people stranded in Afghanistan after August 30, 2021. And this is the guy that thinks he’s earned a second term as the free world’s leader? This man is nothing but a very bad joke.

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

Weak Presidents Lead To War

And we have one of the weakest presidents we’ve ever had sitting in the White House. Case in point? We started talking about it yesterday when Joe Biden was blaming the House Republicans for leaving town on the Presidents’ Day Recess instead of taking a vote of funding Ukraine and Israel and Taiwan (and a smidge to the Southern Border).

When a president or leader of a country is weak, the enemies of that country are very quick to pounce. Look back to World War II for example. Neville Chamberlin gave Poland to Adolf Hitler, thinking that would appease Hitler and he’d stop being so aggressive in Europe. That spineless move by Chamberlin really opened the door for World War II. Had someone like Churchill been in charge, Hitler never would have tried it. And World War II may have been avoided.

Look at Bobo Obama. He was more concerned with getting some sort of foreign policy coup to add to his resume, so when Vladimir Putin invaded Crimea in February and March of 2014, where was Obama? He was busy trying to put together the nuclear deal with Iran thinking it would stop them from getting the bomb in what became known as the JCPOA. It was a very weak and egotistical move that didn’t work. Oh, Iran doesn’t have the bomb ten years later, but it wasn’t because of Obama.

And now you’ve got Biden tangling with Iran again. Actually, he’s now tangling with Iran, Russia, and China, as the three countries have tied together in a modern day Axis of Evil. All three know that Biden is spineless and weak. He doesn’t know where he is half the time, and almost makes K-baby Harris’ word salad seem like great statesmanship compared to Biden’s rambling forgetfulness. Now, about two-thirds of all Americans feel that Biden’s mishandling of the Iranian situation may very well lead us to war with them.

24% of those polled by Rasmussen say that it’s very likely that the US gets into a war with Iran, while another 24% say they don’t think war with Iran will happen. This is after spending hundreds of billions of dollars propping up Ukraine against a Russian thug that sees the US is in no position to fight back when Russia invaded Ukraine almost two years ago. Only 39% of Americans approve of the way Biden is handling Iran, quite similar to the rest of the issues he’s facing. A whopping 60% of the population is against him, citing his age, his mental decline, and his lack of leadership as reasons we’re in the straights we’re in.

It’s time for someone that is a leader. We’ve played this game of patsy with our enemies too long. And the reason is simple. They just don’t believe the US is going to do anything about their aggressiveness. And that has got to stop or we’ll all be eating duck’s feet and drinking vodka for breakfast!

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

Will Biden’s “Get Tough” Policy On Putin Matter?

In case you missed it, Joe Biden on Friday issued a scathing 500 new sanctions on Russia over the death of Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny.

And Atlas Shrugged.

The sanctions, which basically will halt practically all Russian imports, and heavily deny a lot of Russian exports, including energy, is designed to slow the Russian economy down even further than the Ukraine war has done. And most of it will be totally unnoticed by both the Russian people, and Putin himself.

What Biden doesn’t seem to understand is that Russia has already avoided most of these sanctions by forming a partnership with China, Iran, and North Korea. Those four countries have formed a sort of trade pact between them, as they all will have sanctions in place if not now than soon.

The new sanctions are aimed at the Russian economy, yes, but also at the individuals that were involved in detaining and killing Navalny. Britain late last year included a sanction on Russia that stopped the flow of Russian diamonds into their country, which the US is also considering. That sanction alone is worth about $4 billion pounds if everyone lived up to the bargain.

While sanctions can have an effect in areas over time, it’s like death by a thousand paper cuts. You have to go in and stop the madness at the source, and the US and their allies have that ability. And it would probably crush Russia, not only financially, but also in their war with Ukraine.

Currently, there are $284 billion in Russian monies that are frozen around the world. That’s a lot of hay when you think of it. That’s more than double what the US has already spent on Ukraine in giving them aid. And with all of the back and forth in Congress over whether to include aid to Ukraine in another round of check-writing, maybe it’s time to consider raiding those Russian funds.

What would happen if the US and it’s allies decided to take that $284 billion in cash, take it out of being frozen, and give it to Ukraine to fight Russia. That way, Ukraine would be fighting Russia and Russia would be funding the entire war. And they could probably get pretty much anything they wanted militarily with that money and actually beat the Russians, using their own money.

Hasn’t anyone thought of this? It would seem to me that while sneaky, and probably illegal, isn’t what Putin is doing invading another country illegal as well? You’d be making him madder by making him pay the entire cost of the war, not just his half of it (which I’m sure China is helping out with).

THAT would end up being probably the largest slap in the face to Putin and Russia. And with the loss of that money, Russia’s economy would be hurt even further, while helping their enemy in Putin’s war. It would seem to me, to borrow a line from Trading Places, with Dan Akroyd and Eddie Murphy, that the best way to hurt rich people is to make them poor people. And you wouldn’t need 500 additional sanctions to do it. Just take the money and give it to Zelenskyy.

It’s just something to think about.

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

Biden Slams GOP For Congress’ Recess?

Congress is off on a President’s Day Recess, and won’t return until February 28th. That has Joe Biden upset. I can fully understand he thinks that the House Republicans are turning their back on Ukraine and Israel, and Taiwan. But these things are pretty much set long before those votes were supposed to take place. And yes, they can indeed cancel their recesses, or shorten them, but it’s rare that they do.

The House was going to take a vote on the Senate passed stand alone bill that Chuck Schumer introduced to make sure Ukraine and Israel got their funding in a timely fashion. However, that vote was cancelled last Friday, and the House adjourned for a week with no vote taken. And of course, Joe Biden got upset. But should he be upset at all?

By my count, and I could be off by a day or so, Joe Biden has been in the White House for 1,007 days. And during that time, he has been on vacation, all or part of 403 days. That’s in a span of three years, one month, and one day. I don’t know how much vacation time you get each year, but his breaks down to over 134 days a year or roughly four and a half months a year. It’s like a 600 pound man calling out his 400 pound wife for having a piece of cake while he polishes off a whole pumpkin pie.

I wonder what would happen if Congress started calling Biden out for all of the vacation days he takes? Of course, it certainly feeds the narrative that Biden can’t stand the pressure and workload of being the “most powerful man in the free world”, even though we all know he isn’t.

The question you have to ask yourself is, would Ukraine even have needed our support and our money had someone with more backbone were sitting in the Oval Office? Would Israel be getting as much grief if Biden would have stuck with the fact he was supporting them 100%, rather than waffle back and forth and worry that he was going to lose 30-40% of his party’s base?

Somehow, I keep reaching the conclusion that Joe Biden is probably the major cause of this, not the GOP in the House of Representatives. Sure, Mike Johnson (R-La) could have scheduled a vote. It may even have passed, and probably would have with only a two vote majority for the Republicans. But still, you have to wonder if any of this would have been necessary if someone with a firm grasp on foreign policy, and someone who was thought to have all of their mental faculties were in charge. I’m thinking, and yes, I hate to compare what would happen if Trump were there instead of Biden, but my thinking is Putin never would have attack Ukraine in the first place. He attacked Ukraine during the Obama administration because he knew he could probably take Crimea, and Obama wouldn’t care. He didn’t. Then he did nothing when Trump was president. Now? He’s all over the rest of Ukraine. I think Putin smells weak leadership. And the stench coming from Washington, DC is unbearable.

So, Joe, you want to continue to blame Republicans in the House for your mis-steps and mis-deeds, go ahead. It’ll help you sleep better when you take your afternoon naps. But just be aware, most of us know the real cause of this problem, and the fingers are pointing directly at you.

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!