But Is It A Scandal?

You’ve no doubt heard about the classified and top secret documents found in Mar-a-Lago. You can’t have missed the story of the same type of documents being found in Joe Biden’s old office, his house, his garage, et al. And you’ve probably heard that Mike Pence had some that he says were inadvertently packed up with his stuff when he left the Trump White House, and sent back to Indiana with him. But there is an over-riding question in all three cases…

Is it a scandal?

Was it a scandal (as the Democrats claim) that Donald Trump had stored secret and top secret documents under lock and key in Mar-a-Lago? He claims not because he says he, as president, has the right to declassify them, and he did. Is it a scandal that Joe Biden had taken secret and top secret documents from the Obama White House, and from a Senate Skiff and had them stored unsecured in an office he kept in DC, and in his Wilmington, Delaware home? Republicans say that it is, Democrats aren’t saying much at this point. What about Mike Pence? Was his a “clerical error” as he claims? Or was it something else? Neither side is really saying much about Pence’s situation.

But America is talking. Rasmussen did a poll on the subject and asked if taking these types of documents constitutes a scandal. 72% said yes. 24% said no. 4% weren’t sure. Of the 72% that said yes, over half (48%) believed not only was it a scandal, it was a “major scandal”. So, the question is, what do we do from here?

First of all, let me say that there are so many documents that are created in Washington DC in a given day, and over the course of a year between 15-20 MILLION documents are classified or marked in a “secret” category. Why so many? Well, obvious reasons would say that we don’t want our enemies to know what is in the documents. But are they hiding the documents from the American people as well? In a typical year, about 4% of FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests were denied. That number ballooned to 9% under the Obama White House. Numbers aren’t in so far for Biden or Trump. So one would have to assume by the low number that not many requests are denied.

As far as a scandal, I can certainly see in all cases that a scandal is brewing. Trump at least kept his docs under lock and key. Biden meanwhile had his in boxes in his garage as well as strewn around the house. Pence’s docs were in a sealed box that he hasn’t even opened in two years.

So, what do we do from here? Well, first of all, there needs to be a law that severely punishes someone that has said documents in their possession. And wouldn’t you know it? There is! Here’s what it says: “Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.”

So, in this case, one should be able to conclude that Biden will be brought up on charges, as will Trump. Biden will most likely have to wait until he’s out of office. Pence could be as well, but his defense is probably easier than the other two. In each case, however, yes, I would consider it to be a major breach of policy, and as stated above, it’s against the law. Why should someone like Trump or Biden skate just because they have been president? It says, “whoever”, it doesn’t allow there to be an exception for a president, either sitting or former.

It’s time the Department of Justice, and the idiots in DC learn that when you pass a law, ALL Americans are under that law and have to be punished if they break the law. Pure and simple. No exceptions. No special treatment to those that were once in power. You do the crime, you do the time. Especially because of the fact that the people breaking the law are in most cases, the people that actually WROTE the damn law!

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

Is The “I” Word About To Be Used?

Rasmussen does polls on a myriad of political topics, but I found this one to be rather interesting. The released a poll this past week the cited that 50% of Americans (including Democrats in that) now want Joe Biden to be impeached!


33% said they strongly wanted him to be impeached. That’s opposed to 45% that said they didn’t want him to be impeached, and 33% who said they strongly didn’t want him to be impeached.

I find those numbers to be fascinating. Nearly as many as the 50% said that Republicans will do it if they take over the House of Representatives next January. And to be honest, I don’t believe it for a minute.

It would be too easy to impeach Biden, especially with someone ready to take over that is actually more hated, more distrusted, and so more not-ready-for-prime-time than Biden. It’s really the devil you know versus the devil you also know but never wanted to. And there are several problems with the whole impeachment thing.

First of all, if you do impeach and convict Biden, you’re leaving the door open for K-baby Harris to become president. That would be good for Biden in one sense. He wouldn’t go down in history as the worst president ever. But even if you could get two-thirds of the senate to go along with conviction, which I highly doubt, I don’t think Republicans would want Harris in office any more than staying with Sleepy Joe.

Second, there is the whole political capital idea. We all know that Nancy Pelosi is a hell of a fundraiser for the Democrats, but she is also a hell of a fundraiser for the Republicans. She is the most-hated person in Congress. And to be honest, I think Republicans like her in Congress, especially since she’s obviously either had a stroke or is losing it mentally. Keeping her in the House (but not as Speaker) allows her to take all the slings and arrows that need to be shot at Democrats, and she is a very popular target. Well, Biden has become the same thing for the Republicans. He is a very easy target. He makes way too many mistakes, and he just isn’t qualified for the job. It makes it a whole lot easier to run against someone like him in 2024. Of course there is another side to that as well.

That other side is the damage that he can cause by being in office another three years. When you look at it, he has stumbled and bumbled his way through year one but he really hasn’t had much success at doing anything other than opening our southern border to all who want in, and he’s playing the wrong games with the Paris Accords, Iran, and Russia (not to mention China). He has caused a lot of damage to this country without being able to get any new laws passed.

Finally, there is the more pragmatic question. Is it even possible to impeach a president in today’s toxic environment and get him convicted and thrown out of office? I would have hoped the Republicans would have learned back with Bill Clinton, that if you can’t remove them from office, the whole thing becomes a charade and a waste of money. Democrats obviously didn’t learn that from the first impeachment of Donald Trump, but then again, they are very slow to learn any lessons from a history they haven’t rewritten! Impeachment is a waste of time unless you have the votes to convict, and a clear path forward. I don’t see either in this scenario.

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

Can Biden Survive?

Rasmussen came out with a rather interesting poll recently. They asked 1,000 registered voters if they thought Joe Biden would be reelected in 2024. The results followed what America feels. It certainly doesn’t follow the mainstream snowflake media!

Here’s what it says.

28% of the respondents think that Joe Biden will be reelected president in 2024. That’s just over a quarter of the respondents. 38% said that if Biden were to run again, he’d lose out to a Republican challenger (no challenger was named). 21% said it was more likely that Biden would resign the presidency prior to the 2024 elections, and 15% said they just weren’t sure.

That’s a pretty amazing survey if you think about it. More people think that Biden will lose in 2024 than think he’ll actually run by 10%. And almost as many people think that he’ll resign, which has only been done once in history, and that is an incredible development when you think about it.

So the question becomes, does Joe Biden risk it and try to run for reelection in 2024? Democrats have already floated the notion of getting others to run against him in a primary. If that were to happen, and say Pete Buttigieg were to go up against Biden, could Biden stand the heat? What if Bernie Sanders, who actually should have been the candidate in 2020, were to decide to run again? That brings the young vote back to the table, but Sanders is 80 years old now. I seriously doubt he is going to be up for a run for the White House in two years. Who else is there? I can’t see anyone with the experience standing in line, especially to oust Biden. Maybe an AOC who doesn’t like Biden in the first place, but I thought her eyes were on Chuck Schumer’s Senate seat.

In the end analysis, we have another poll saying that 52% of the American people like Donald Trump. In the same poll, it shows that Democrats think that Trump supporters are racists. Of course, Democrats think everything and everybody is racist. They’ve overused that phrase so much it’s basically lost all of it’s meaning. And the interesting thing on that account is, the people that are screaming racism, are typically the ones displaying signs of racism.

My, oh my, isn’t it fun to live in the declining age of a civilization?

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

America To Biden: RESIGN NOW!

Rasmussen just released a national telephone poll that they conducted whereby they asked people how they felt about Joe Biden’s screw up in Afghanistan. The actual question, blunt as it is, was, “Do you think President Joe Biden should resign because of the way the US withdrawal from Afghanistan was handled?”

52% of respondents in the poll answered YES!

Only 39% said he should not resign, and 9% had no opinion on the matter.

That means that probably every single Republican in the country, most independent voters, and a good deal of Democrats all think that Biden should resign over his handling of the withdrawal.

There is a problem attached to that though… an even greater amount don’t think that K-baby Harris is qualified to replace him if that happens.

That is going to lead to what I would call a “Constitutional Crisis”. You have a very clear demarcation as to what the order of succession is in the event of a president stepping down, by resignation, by death, or by impeachment. The Vice President is next in line (obviously). Then comes Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. Chuck Schumer as president-pro tem of the Senate would be fourth in line. Then comes the cabinet members starting with the Secretary of State, Treasury, and Defense. So, if there were to be a Biden resignation, or even impeachment over the Afghanistan withdrawal, you have to either accept the fact that someone more unqualified than Biden would be stepping into the Oval Office, or you would have to figure out how to get rid of her first.

There is no doubt in most Americans minds, even if they don’t believe that Biden should step down, that he screwed the pooch on this one. The approval number for Afghanistan is somewhere around 18%. That’s just embarrassing. And this is just the latest abortion in this administration. The communications department at the White House has been working non-stop since January 20th to cover for Biden’s mistakes and gaffes. This one, you can’t really cover because it is such a glaring error, it’s not going to go away any time soon.

Democrats in DC are very worried at this point that 14 months away from a mid-term election that will decide whether Biden has any teeth left in his head for the last two years of his term, could be an unmitigated disaster. Congress is already believing that the Republicans will most assuredly take over the House of Representatives, just on redistricting. And there is more and more worry that the Republicans could actually end up with 55 or 56 seats in the Senate. That’s not filibuster proof, but it’s darn close.

All of that was BEFORE Afghanistan. Now, there is worry that the midterms are hopelessly lost unless there is some sort of hail Mary, like another round of COVID that could allow Democrats to use mail-in balloting again like they did in 2020. If this is a normal election cycle, you could see the Republicans jump out to an incredible lead in Congress.

Democrats big problem now is who replaces Harris? Who replaces Biden? As I said many times during the primaries last year, the Democrat bench was so short with experience, and interest, they were bound to get someone that wasn’t going to do a good job. As it was you end up with a guy with 47 years of experience, that has been found guilty on several occasions of plagiarism, has been accused of being a sexual predator, and is a noted gaffe machine. Add to that members of his own party that say he has been on the wrong side of every foreign policy decision in the last half century, and you have a problem. And, you’ve got a vice president that ran for the top office, but had to drop out a month before the Iowa Caucus because her polling numbers were falling so fast, and Democrats even in her home state were abandoning her.

It’s a sad situation for this country, but one that Biden needs to step up and take responsibility for. He needs to stop blaming Donald Trump, and the Afghani army and leadership. This one is squarely on his shoulders. And K-baby Harris needs to do the right thing and realize she’s certainly not ready for Prime Time, and step down as well. But…if that happens, I certainly hope that they wait until January of 2023 for that to happen! We don’t need Nancy Pelosi sitting behind the Resolute Desk!

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

Are Dem’s Worried About Impeachment Backlash?

The short answer is no. No, they are not. What they are worried about is what they are screaming about. Lately, that is the latest couple of polls showing that black voter support for Donald Trump is on the rise, According to both a Rasmussen poll, and an Emerson College poll, Trump is garnering some 34% of the black vote, and that is troubling for the left.

While the Democrats are fielding a few African-American candidates, none have really resonated with the black community. The reason is simple…they are too far left. Most blacks in this country aren’t radical, they are middle of the road. And the mere fact that the leading contenders for the nomination (minus Biden who’s sinking faster than the Titanic) are very left of center is troubling to many in the black community. That, coupled with the results of the economy over the past three years is starting to take hold.

As we get into this further, there are basically two competing factors at play. First, you have the Democrats who have repeatedly counted on blacks to vote for them, and they’ve promised that community all sorts of things, but really haven’t delivered on much if anything. The poor and under-privileged from the 1960’s and 1970’s are still for the most part poor and under-privileged today. Blacks haven’t seen much advancement in class status, or in wages, or employment numbers under Democrat leadership.

Now you add to that the fact that the Trump economy has been booming for blacks in large numbers, with increases in wages, and employment, and standard of living over the past three years, you can see a change coming. Of course, it helps that Donald Trump himself isn’t shy to point out that he’s probably been the best thing for all minorities over the last fifty years or so economically speaking.

When you add those two things together, you’ve got almost a perfect storm sitting off the coast, waiting to unleash itself on the populace. Now throw in the fact that Democrats are still convinced that these two polls are “outliers” and that they are “fake”, and they are once again burying their heads in the sand. If they aren’t outliers, you’re seeing a seismic shift in voters from one party to the other. Most Republican candidates could count on between 8-10% black vote. 34% is unheard of. If it holds, it really means that the Democrats have turned their back on one of their most loyal constituencies over the past half century.

The real question in my mind is, with all of the talk being that the election is Trump’s to lose, is it a harbinger of things to come, or is it yet another Democrat ploy to gin up it’s base and get them excited about voting for whichever candidate emerges victorious next July? I think we’re going to have to wait and see. It’s much too early to start predicting a presidential victory that’s eleven months away!

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

Polls, Polls, Polls

I never really felt that people in government should govern by polls. I pay attention to them because it gives me a feeling of where the populace is. I should say IĀ try to pay attention to them, because not all polling is accurate or correct. The Main Stream Media loves to try push polling, and that is very disturbing.

What is interesting as of late, and is outlined in an excellent article at Breitbart.com by John Nolte, is that there are a few polls out there that are showing that more and more Americans feel that the Obama administration improperly (and illegally) surveilledĀ  the Trump campaign leading up to the 2016 election. The first poll was conducted by IBB/TIPP and shows that 55% of Americans feel that Obama has indeed surveilled the Trump campaign, and that includes 31% Democrats, 55% Independents, and 87% Republicans.

54% want to see an independent council appointed to look into the matter and bring those guilty to justice. That would be Loretta Lynch, and the folks at DOJ, as well as James Comey and the folks at the FBI, and yes…even people in the White House up to and including the former president. 74% of Republicans, 50% of Independents, and 44% of Democrats agreed with that assessment.

The good news for the FBI and the DOJ is that only 35% feel that those two organizations tried to frame Donald Trump for collusion with the Russians.

The other poll came from Rasmussen. They found that 50% feel the Obama administration broke the law in its actions with Donald Trump. 40% disagreed. And that 42% believe that the Russians meddled in the 2016 election. 34% feel the FBI meddled in the election to give it to Hillary, and 24% are unsure. So, 58% of Americans surveyed by Rasmussen think that it’s more possible that the FBI meddled in the election of 2016 than the Russians. That’s a first.

OK, so what does this tell us? It tells us one thing. The truth of what happens in Washington DC always comes out. Oh, you may be able to hide it for as long as you’re in office, but eventually, with this two party system we’ve got, there will be justice. It’s like I’ve always said…the wheels of justice grind slowly, but extremely fine. You think that Obama is going to skate if he did wrong when he was in office? Nope. He’ll eventually get caught. That doesn’t mean he’s going to jail. It means his entire presidency is going to be tarnished. Look back through history and you’ll see who the crooked presidents have been. It’s very clear, and the perpetrators have always been exposed. They will this time as well. And yes Virginia…the same goes for Hillary. She may never be wearing orange, but the Clinton name will always be tied to injustice, crooked maneuvers, and foul play.

And that, you can take to the bank!

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!