The Democrats’ Dilemma

Chuck Schumer was asked if he was going to support incumbents that were facing primary battles from more progressive candidates. He didn’t answer the question. He said he was focused on “winning the elections in 2022”. That’s where he left it.

What that simple five word statement says is volumes. Schumer is running scared. He had the opportunity to back his colleagues such as Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ), who have taken a much more moderate stance than the socialists in Congress. Sinema is up for reelection this year, and rumor has it that people like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and the like are trying to find someone of a more socialist bent to run against her. Representative Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) has been approached. He’s probably the most liberal member of the Arizona Congressional contingent. He was non-committal about running at this point.

Here’s the problem Schumer has in trying to back one group over another in his party.

The Republicans learned the lesson pretty well back in the Tea Party days. Remember when the Tea Party decided to primary incumbents in Congress? They took very conservative candidates, went up against more moderate Republicans and beat them in the primary. And then when the general election rolled around in November, the Republicans got their rear ends handed to them. It turned out, while the GOP base was all for a more conservative approach to government, the electorate as a whole was not.

Democrats haven’t obviously learned that lesson yet. The socialist wing of the Democrat party wants the support of the DNC when it’s their turn to run. They like the money, they like the organization, they like the support of 44% of the voting public. But they don’t like their colleagues that are too conservative in their eyes. And their answer, like so many answers the socialists have, is to go too far. What will happen if they decide to primary the incumbents like Sinema is that yes, a Ruben Gallego will defeat Sinema in the Democrat primary. Out here in the desert, we’re a purple state now, but we’re a conservative purple state. Only pockets of Arizona, like Gallego’s district, will go socialist. So, while he may win a primary, and Sinema would lose as her “punishment” for not falling in line with the party on Build Back Better or the whole filibuster rule change, Gallego won’t stand a chance in the general election against a more conservative candidate.

And Schumer is caught in the middle. He’d like to think that the same thing won’t be happening to him in New York state, but it’s happened before! In fact, AOC has hinted that she might be persuaded to primary Schumer and see who comes out ahead. And in that liberal bastion, based on what I saw in 2020’s Congressional election, AOC would have to be the favorite in the primary. In fact, she may even win the seat! THAT is Schumer’s biggest fear.

I think Chuckles Schumer realizes that he is going to lose upwards of four seats in the Senate this year and his term as Majority Leader is coming to an end. That scares him. But what scares him more is someone like an AOC, who’s probably as well if not better known than he is, would upset his reelection bid and basically end his political career. THAT is what Chuckles Schumer is most afraid of!

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

What Has Dems’ Worried

Oh, to be a Democrat in these trying times. Think about the angst you’ve got to be going through. Are you a “moderate” thinking traditional Democrat thoughts…pro-union, help the little guy, punishing the big corporations, raising taxes and spending more than those pesky Republicans want you to as you try to increase the size of government? Or are you a “socialist” (small “s”), who wants to tear down America and rebuild it into some Marxist utopia complete with free healthcare for all, free education for all, free food for all, cradle to grave care all ladled out by a caring and complete government that oversees every inch of your lives?

Do you know what really has Democrats worried today? It’s none of the above.

What has Democrats really upset right now is the fact that they don’t do along with what’s happening in Washington, DC at all. They are miffed at the fact that they’ve had basically total power for the past ten months or so, and all they can say they’ve done is pass one COVID stimulus bill. That’s pretty much it. What’s interesting is that plurality of folks (45%) feel that their party should be more like Joe “Brandon” Biden. They should be uber-leftist liberal, and should stumble around mispronouncing names, forgetting who you are married to, not knowing where you are at any given moment in time, and “in trouble” should you utter a word in public that hasn’t been scripted for you. Another minority (30%) think the country should be more like the Senate Democrats. Now I’m not sure if they are talking about the Bernie Sanders/Elizabeth Warren Democrats, or the Joe Manchin/Kyrsten Sinema Democrats. Either way, they are the “get nothing done” Democrats, where they are content to have gridlock within their own party rule the day. Still, another 25% of the Democrat party as a whole believes that neither is right, or maybe both is right. They’re going to play it down the middle because they aren’t sure.

And this is what I love about what is going on in Washington, DC right now.

You have two groups in the same party that are at total odds with each other. They are fighting and the gap between the two parties in both houses of Congress is smaller than some one paycheck families. As Biden says, when you have a 50/50 Senate, every Senator becomes the president. Finally, Joe has said something that is correct, and I don’t believe anyone scripted that one for him. I don’t think it was even focus grouped!

So, what we have is a political party at odds, not with it’s opposition, the Republicans, but with themselves. They just aren’t sure where they should be going. They disagree with their own proposals and policies. They spend all sorts of time spinning their wheels, and their ideas become more and more inane and out of the mainstream. And yes, America is watching, and America isn’t happy with what they are seeing.

I think it’s funny that 45% of Democrats think the party should be more like Joe Biden, when only 38% of America feels that way. You’d expect Democrats to be on board with him a lot more than that. But that’s not the case. America sees this doddering old fool that talks to himself more than he talks to those around him. He keeps reminding himself that “he’s going to get into trouble for saying this”. This is the leader of the free world! Who in hell is going to get him in trouble?

And that is what Democrats are up in arms about. They all see that Joe Biden is not presidential. They know that Joe Biden isn’t anything more than a bumbling, incoherent man in dotage. And they can see their chances of not only maintaining the White House, but both sides of Congress falling with each passing day. Frankly, most Republicans could have told you that back in the campaign when Biden was limited to 15 minute speeches in front of his staff who were sitting in circles painted on the ground. They had to give him ear pieces to tell him what to say during the debates. They had to get him so hepped up on drugs that he actually made sense for more than 15 minutes. And the only reason he actually won the election was because he was going up the one guy the Democrats hated more than Satan himself. Had it been anyone else…you…me…the guy down the street, Joe Biden would have been beaten by 30 points. And what’s interesting is that every single poll out there now shows that if these two ran against each other in 2024, Joe Biden would lose by 15 points. That is a friggin’ landslide!

THAT is what has Democrats upset and worried today. And the rest of us can all rejoice and watch the car wreck in slow motion. Get the popcorn ready!

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

Eating Their Own

I’ve been waiting for this for quite some time. Liberals have come from so many different angles, and so passionate about different things, that I knew in my heart there would come a day when maybe the environmentalists would be at odds with the gays. Maybe it was the women’s libbers tearing into the unions. Or maybe it was one minority pitting itself against another. Whatever the case, it seemed to me to be just too large of a tent with too many diverse platforms to be of use and agreement to everybody.

Now they’ve decided to eat their own.

It’s happening here in the great state of Arizona. Progressives, pissed as can be that Arizona Senator, Kyrsten Sinema has come out and basically said she cannot support a $3.5 trillion liberal wish list bill, that it’s too much money. And that has raised the ire of the Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren’s of the world. It’s also rankled AOC and her Whackjob 5 (I think there’s five now, right?) Anyway, it’s got them so upset that they can’t see straight.

Instead of doing what Democrats always do, which is circle the wagons around their own, progressives are taking a page out of the Tea Party fiasco of a decade ago. Remember when the Tea Party was really strong in the GOP? They decided that they were going to replace RINO’s with more conservative members. They ended up exciting the Republican base by putting up very conservative folks. Now, these folks weren’t bad. They espoused conservative ideas, and did so openly and unabashedly. And they won primary elections against incumbents. The problem came in November when they had to go up against a more moderate Democrat and they ended up losing. So, unbeknownst to the Tea Party at the time, they helped the Democrats not hurt them. And where is the Tea Party today? Exactly!

Democrats are going down that same path. When progressives decide they are going to vote against a reconciliation bill unless they get their way with a $3.5 trillion spending bill. And that has Nancy Pelosi over a barrel. She wants to help Joke Biden with his agenda, but she doesn’t have the numbers to make it work. In fact, she cancelled yesterday’s vote in the House because she doesn’t have the numbers to pass it and doesn’t want the embarrassment of losing the vote on one of Biden’s key (and only) agenda items.

So, Sinema, who isn’t up for election until 2024 (the same year Biden is), is going to be “primaried” by the Democrat socialists. Apparently, they’ve never been strong in their history lessons!

Frankly, Sinema is a little too liberal for me, but she is one of two Democrats (Joe Manchin (D-WV) is the other) who have stood up to Chuck Schumer in the Senate and have voted their conscience and broken with the party several times. Certainly, Kyrsten has proven herself to be much more reliable than our other Senator, Mark Kelly, who faces an uphill reelection bid next year.

But one would think that a Democrat is better than a Republican, at least if you’re a Democrat, right? I mean, unless you’re talking about someone like a Mitt Romney, or Susan Collins, or Lisa Murkowski, who flips more times than a light switch, you probably want someone in your own party. If Sinema is up against a formidable Democrat in a primary and loses, what happens to the Democrats’ chances of keeping the seat blue? Answer: bupkus.

But it’s time for these guys to continue to implode. It does make me feel a little better that frankly, the Republicans aren’t the only party that screws things up! At least we aren’t out there stealing votes, right?

Carry on world….you’re dismissed!

Biden’s Approval Continues To Crash

And you can’t blame Republicans for the latest drop in the approval numbers. This one comes to us from Newsweek, a rather liberal publication. They have basically stopped drinking the Biden Kool-Aid, and have actually started reporting some very interesting (and for Biden, troubling) information.

The last numbers that were released were from April of this year. It showed Biden with 54% approval rating, down from first year April numbers from Trump, Obama, and George W. Bush. The May numbers are even worse. Biden slipped another 6% to 48% approval and 43% disapproval in the latest poll.

What is interesting is that there was a gain in his approval numbers. It came from Republicans believe it or not! The GOP folks asked in the 810 respondent survey showed an increase from 11% approval to 19% approval. He dropped from 95% to 86% among Democrats, and went from 47% approval to 36% among Independents.

A whopping 80% of the country said that that we are going down the wrong road when it comes to the health of this country. That number was 90% in April, but the increase, once again, came from Republicans. Democrats saying we are on the right path dropped from 93% to 58% in one month! Independents rating us as doing the right thing with 32% compared to 38% in April.

So what does this mean? Basically, Democrats aren’t happy with Biden at all. They are not supporting his spending plans, and aren’t happy with his policies either at home or abroad. The mere fact that Republicans are giving him higher numbers than what Democrats are is very interesting to say the least. Maybe that’s why people like AOC and the Whackjob contingent, Bernie Sanders, and Chief Wahoo Elizabeth Sanders are not happy with Biden’s plans. And I think overall, most Republicans see the fear they felt when Biden was elected and was going to cater to the left wing of the party. They see that’s probably not going to happen, especially since more moderate Senators like Manchin and Sinema are starting to pull away from the uber-leftist-snowflake agendas being foisted by Chuck Schumer and company.

What the overall situation shows is that though Biden stresses he’s trying to bring the country together, more and more of his own people aren’t supporting him. And while a few more Republicans are, it isn’t enough to drop him into numbers that are close to him having a more negative than positive image among the voters. That’s a very rare instance to happen this early in a presidential term. Even Donald Trump was positive at this point. For Biden to show his weaknesses as much as he is should be sending red flags and blaring alarms through the White House.

The big question is, is there anything they can do to stop the bleeding?

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

Leftist Feminists Need To Get Serious

I get very irked when someone makes a comment regarding someone in the other political party, or another ideology, slamming them for something. And then when the very same thing happens to someone in their party, they take an entirely different tone.

Let’s take the example of what happened when Brett Kavanaugh was wrongly accused of sexual harassment at his confirmation hearings a few years back, and what’s happening now to the embattled Governor of New York.

In fact, let’s start with the Governor of New York, shall we? In 2018, during the height of the trumped up charges against Kavanaugh by Christine Blasey Ford, Cuomo had this to say:

“Here is one basic fact that badly hurts Judge Kavanaugh: Why won’t he take a polygraph? Dr. Ford did. If he does not take a polygraph test, it is the ultimate, ‘he said, she said.’ “

And here’s what he says now about his own situation: “I wasn’t elected by politicians, I was elected by the people of the state of New York. I’m not going to resign.” He has been repeatedly asked if he would take a lie detector test, like he demanded Kavanaugh to do less than three years ago. He has never answered.

But I would expect a politician to play the “Clinton game” of denying everything. What about politicians at the very core of the #MeToo movement? What did they say about Kavanaugh’s false allegations, and then about Cuomo’s (which have yet to be proven true in all fairness).

Kamala Harris, current Vice President of the United States, was a Senator during Kavanaugh’s confirmation. “Christine Blasey Ford courageously stepped forward to tell her story — it is a credible and serious allegation. The Senate has a constitutional responsibility to scrutinize SCOTUS nominees. A vote on Kavanaugh’s nomination must be delayed until there is a thorough investigation.” And to be honest, I think a full investigation is always necessary in these instances, but Harris was quick to believe the accuser. What has she said about any of Cuomo’s accusers? Crickets. Nada. Silence. No call for an investigation. No saying that the accusers (six of them) are courageous for stepping forward to tell their story. No “it is a credible and serious allegation.” It wasn’t even true, yet the mere thought it COULD be true was enough back then. Apparently not so today!

And let’s look at another feminist Senator. Elizabeth Warren has been a long-time advocate of women’s rights. Here is part of what she said on the floor of the United States Senate on October 4, 2018: “Dr. Ford’s account of the most traumatic event of her life was harrowing. The pain of retelling this story was evident. And she did it for no personal gain whatsoever. In fact, her life has been turned upside down as a result of her decision to come forward. The courage she showed was remarkable. Dr. Ford’s testimony was credible and compelling. I believe Dr. Ford.”

Now, let’s see what Elizabeth Warren has to say when the same allegations of sexual misconduct get leveled against someone in her own party…namely, Andrew Cuomo. Again, crickets…nada…silence. That’s because this woman that was so in the court of Christine Blasey Ford, who threw unsubstantiated claims against Brett Kavanaugh, won’t even say that the threat was credible, the event traumatic, the pain so personal. We get nothing out of her.

I hope there is a full investigation into these salacious allegations facing Cuomo. It’s wrong to let any accuser, of any time pronounce guilt upon anybody. But it’s equally wrong to rush to the aid of someone that politically you agree with, and pull a Hillary Clinton just because someone is talking about someone in your own party, who you tend to agree with ideologically. I expect Andrew Cuomo to deny the allegations. Maybe he did them, maybe he didn’t. I wasn’t there, I can’t say either way. Just as Cuomo, Harris, and Warren weren’t there to witness Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations against Brett Kavanaugh. But if you’re going to come to the aid of a woman in one case, shouldn’t you come to the aid of the woman in ALL cases?

It’s the inconsistencies that kill liberals. And it will kill them in this case as well if Cuomo is found to have been a bad boy!

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

The Left In Crisis?

You would think that if you controlled the House of Representatives, The United States Senate, AND the White House, you’d be sitting rather pretty when it came to passing legislation that you wanted to get passed, right? And you’d be dead wrong.

We’re learning that the $1.9 Trillion COVID relief bill (is it 3.0 or 4.0? I keep forgetting), will have long reaching consequences, long after the states receive hundreds of billions to mask their broken down, wasteful spending tactics, and a huge nod to the teachers’ unions who refuse to go back to work, even though “science” says there is nothing to fear but fear itself. What I find to be devastatingly funny is that the left is starting to split into two distinct groups, and it’s hilarious to watch.

On one hand, you’ve got the folks that are the moderates in Congress. These folks realize that with a split Senate and a House that only has a ten seat margin, they’ve got to be very careful on what they try to pass. All of the big ideas that the socialist liberals, and American Communists said they wanted to back Joe Biden for the White House probably aren’t going to happen.

That means your $15 an hour minimum wage, Puerto Rico and Washington, DC becoming a state, huge concessions to the eco-terrorists with their end-of-the-world predictions on global warming er…climate change…er what ARE they calling it these days? And besides that, you’re not going to see the Supreme Court get packed, you’re not going to see a comprehensive immigration bill, even though Biden has sent one up. The reason? Even if the House passes by a razor thin margin, the Senate can’t get it passed. All of those things, like getting rid of the filibuster, take 60 votes. The Senate is far short of that and we’ve seen that at least two Democrats, Joe Manchin of West Virginia, and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona have shown their muscles on more than one occasion, denying Vice President, Kamala Harris the ability to break more than a few ties.

Now throw another scandal into the mix and it gets even uglier. Look at New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo’s sexual harassment charges and it sends the left reeling. All of the uber-leftist socialists that wanted Brett Kavanaugh’s head on a platter just because a woman said he sexually abused her at a party in high school, are all of sudden mum when it comes to listening to the allegations surrounding Cuomo. Where is Hillary Clinton? Where is Elizabeth Warren? Where is Kamala Harris? These three had their daggers out ready to slay Kavanaugh with a mere suggestion (and a rather poor one at that) as evidence. They are nowhere to be seen when it’s one of their own. I do have to credit (and it’s rare) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for being consistent on the topic…and Nancy Pelosi for at least calling the allegation of Lindsey Boylan “credible”. It’s just going to be a matter of time before the left throws him entirely under the bus. But in the meantime, they don’t know how to react to a guy they had called an “anti-Trump hero” in the wake of COVID 19.

I would suggest to you that yes, while there are going to be more planks of Trump’s presidency that come crashing down, there won’t be a lot to replace them on a full-time basis. That’s because unless it’s a budgetary thing, or approving presidential appointments, the Senate isn’t going to be able to do a damn thing this term.

My popcorn is ready….is yours?

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

Not EVERYONE Will Be Happy Under Biden Presidency!

And I’m not speaking about Trump supporters. That’s a no-brainer. No, I’m referring about people on the left. There will be a ton of liberals and Democrats that are going to be very unhappy that Joe Biden is in the White House. Why you ask? Simple…

  1. Jim Acosta & The Liberal Mainstream Media: Trust me, they know it already. Jim Acosta has made a career out of Trump bashing. But that’s over. He’s going to have to figure out a new demon to go after, and it can’t be Joe Biden. So, what’s a White House reporter to do when you can’t make a scene in front of the current president? Same goes for Morning Joe and his wife, the broadcast networks and their nightly news anchors, pretty much everyone at CNN and MSNBC, and the New York Times and Washington Post. Those folks have lived on bad news, fake news, and screaming about Trump for four years.
  2. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez: How will this socialist react to a president from her own party? We don’t know because she’s never had to do that before. Is she going to climb on board the Biden train and praise him? Is she going to call him “not liberal enough” when he doesn’t move as quickly as she wants? You know Biden, while left of Trump, isn’t a socialist, and doesn’t look like he’s going to be going that way, at least this early in the game. So, what’s a former bartender from The Bronx to do?
  3. Elizabeth Warren & Bernie Sanders: Here are two more people in the same boat as AOC. Now, I’ve read that Warren is actually happy with the new top cop at Wall Street, which should be interesting. Socialism running a financial market? How in the world does that work? And both Sanders and Warren have to be a little more than upset that they were personally snubbed by Biden when it came to joining his administration after both hit the campaign trail hard to get Joe votes.
  4. Hollywood Producers: So, why in the world would Hollywood leftists not be in favor of “their guy” in the White House? Simple. They no longer are going to be able to produce those salacious mini-series, with all of the rumors (and some facts) of Trump’s misbehavings. There was a lot of money made in the movie and TV industries over the last four years on shows and movies that dealt with Donald Trump and his administration’s foibles. And in this COVID era, where most of Hollywood has been shut down for almost a year, that was one thing that was relatively easy to do. Not so anymore.
  5. Bob Woodward: Yup. The guy that found himself in a similar position some 50 years ago at the beginning of his career thanks to Watergate, finds himself reliving the scenario at the end of his career. With Trump gone, Woodward’s chances of scoring huge success with a tell-all, inside-the-White House type of book are pretty much nil. I mean, what’s he going to write about? Joe has a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast every morning to keep his triglycerides down?

It’s not going to be all roses and sunshine for the left over the next couple of years. Media outlets are already saying that Biden has two years to accomplish whatever he wants to do before the Senate flips back to the GOP and the House also moves right during the midterm elections. Frankly, while history would suggest that, I think it’s a little early to make that call. The GOP is about as adept at stepping on it’s own member as much as the Democrats have been. I will say that Nancy Pelosi will either be retiring or stepping down as Speaker in 2022…that’s pretty much assured…and the GOP should be very unhappy at that. She’s been a great fundraiser for not only the Democrats, but also the Republicans!

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

Has Biden Already Turned His Back On Those That Elected Him?

Well, that depends on who you ask. If you were to ask Patrisse Cullors, the co-found of black lives matter, the answer would most assuredly be “YES!” If you were to ask Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders if all of their help to get Biden elected has gone for naught, they’d probably hem and haw for a while, but in a private moment away from the media, they’d probably admit that they were pissed that Biden hasn’t so far, peppered his cabinet with leftist socialists like they wanted.

And I guess if you’re BLM, or the uber-left, you have your answer on who you backed for President. I don’t think Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren or Alexandria Cortez, or Patrisse Cullors are going to be happy with the selections of cabinet members when all is said and done. And I will hazzard a guess that those same people will be rather disappointed with policies that emerge from the Biden Administration as we move down the road. In short, they’ll take it in the shorts on this one.

Cullors sent Biden a note just after the election, asking for a meeting. She wanted to make sure that he understood that without the black vote in places like Atlanta, and Detroit, and Philadelphia, and Milwaukee, there would be no Biden presidency. If she’s hanging out by the mailbox for a reply, that’s where you’ll still find her over a month later. She’s heard nothing from the Biden campaign.

The uber-left in Congress that declared early on that Biden would be “the most progressive president in our nation’s history”, are scratching their heads too. No, he’s certainly not going to be anywhere near the conservative president he’s replacing. But he’s also not going to come close to the progressive track that they wanted and thought they were backing. In short, they were duped.

Biden agreed to everything anybody wanted when he was running because he understood the number one rule in politics…get elected. You don’t send somebody with 50 years of political experience into the game and not think they know the rules. And for Cullors and Warren, and Sanders and Cortez to think otherwise is plan foolishness.

Make no mistake. Joe Biden (or whoever is pulling his strings) will be calling the shots and it doesn’t sound like he’s all that excited to do the bidding of the socialists or the blacks that got him elected. He’s going to do what 45 other presidents before him have done, and that’s do whatever it is HE thinks is right (or whatever the puppetmaster wants him to do if you want to buy into that one). The really frightening thing is that people like Sanders and Warren and Cullors haven’t learned that yet. The Democrats have been playing that card for over 60 years!

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

Does Bernie Even Have A Chance?

In short the answer is no. Bernie Sanders pledged to help get Joe Biden elected to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. And while he really didn’t do a whole lot to get out his vote, he was sticking his hand out when his guy won the White House. In fact, Sanders wasn’t shy about saying that he wanted the job as Labor Secretary in the Biden cabinet so he could make sure to get the minimum wage up to $15 an hour nationally, and to put through a lot of socialist ideas where it came to the workplace.

Alas, Bernie is going to be left out in the cold.

Like Elizabeth Warren, who had her hopes set on being the next Treasury Secretary, only to see that fall by the wayside, Sanders is going to be sorely disappointed. And Bernie and Elizabeth only have one person to thank…Mitch McConnell.

See, if the Republicans take even one of the two runoff seats in Georgia on January 5th, they will have a majority in the United States Senate. And as you know, the Senate gets to confirm all cabinet nominations. And, since Harry Reid decided to use the nuclear option and allow just 51 votes to confirm “non-Supreme Court nominations”, cabinet officials can be confirmed (or denied) with just 51 votes. And that’s what is going to happen if Joe Biden ends up sending someone like a Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren to the Senate for confirmation.

Now, let me say that I will be very surprised, even more surprised than Trump losing as badly as he did, if both Georgia Senate seats go to the Democrats. I wouldn’t be surprised if Kelly Loeffler got beat, because she was appointed and this is her first “election”. She also got beat in the general election. David Purdue on the other hand, actually won an election, back in 2014 defeating Michelle Nunn, the daughter of former Senator Sam Nunn. I expect Purdue to win re-election. After all, he was only 0.1% away from not having to go through a run-off anyway against Jon Ossoff.

But back to the cabinet…

So far, Biden’s picks have been almost moderate, but have definitely had an environmental and “racial justice” twist to them. John “I served in Vietnam” Kerry, who also put together the worst deal of the Obama administration in the Iran Nuclear Deal will be back as the “climate czar”. His job is to try and become a second Greta Thunberg, and travel the world telling of the evils of motorized transportation and cow farts. Janet Yellen, far from the most liberal person in the world, will be the new Treasury Secretary, upsetting Elizabeth Warren greatly. Jake Sullivan, a throwback to the Obama administration, has been tabbed as National Security Advisor. Part of what he is considering “national security” is racial justice, which is a stretch, but will be interesting to watch.

As far as the far left wing of the Democrat party getting any payback for whatever help they had in getting Biden elected, I don’t see it coming anytime soon. That in and of itself should cause much consternation between Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, and others. Tlaib has already called Biden’s pick for Secretary of State, Tony Blinken, an atrocity, sparking more anti-semetic feelings toward Tlaib.

If anyone thinks that Joe Biden is going to be able to bring Republicans and Democrats together, like he claimed he could during the campaign, they need to realize its going to take basically every stitch of his tact and negotiating skills to bring his own party back together, forget about getting Republicans on board!

But such is the web Biden wove in his effort to please everyone while hiding in his basement. His only saving grace is, the White House has a pretty vast underground area for him to hide!

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!

Coronavirus Takes Toll On Billionaires

Bernie Sanders campaign may be in trouble because of the Coronavirus. The socialist’s ideas of taxing billionaires into oblivion are going to be severely challenged if the stock market continues to have the same type of week as it did last week.

Here, according to Bloomberg, are what some of the country’s richest folks lost last week: Jeff Bezos from Amazon watched as $11.9 billion went down the tubes. Microsoft’s Bill Gates said goodbye to $10 billion. Bernard Arnault from Christian Dior lost $9.1 billion. Tesla & SpaceX’s, Elon Musk dropped $9 billion, and Warren Buffet from Berkshire Hathaway and a million other companies lost about $8.8 billion. Notice anybody who’s name did not show up on what I just read? What about Michael Bloomberg? Interesting to note that the list came from Bloomberg News, and yet, the boss’ name was conspicuously absent from the list, even though he was reportedly worth $56 billion going into the week!

The problem with taxing the rich is that something that is so out of control with all of humanity, something like this virus, can cause panic and fear, and throw the whole “stick it to the wealthy” mentality right out the window. And frankly, it should. I’ve never in my life felt that someone that made that kind of money should be punished because they went above and beyond.

Look, people that are worth billions did it on their own. They went out and created something that everyone wanted, and they exploited their creation. What the hell is wrong with that? On the other hand, these liberals want you to believe that everybody should share in their wealth because they transport their goods on roads that taxes paid for…or they are protected by police and fire departments that taxes pay for. And there’s nothing in the world stopping anyone from finding the next BIG thing, and going after it and creating their own billion! While I don’t agree with anything Tom Steyer or Michael Bloomberg say about politics, I certainly don’t chastise them at all for making the money they make. And if someone can convince someone else to pay them millions of dollars a year for acting, or playing a sport, or running a business, God bless ’em. They deserve that money.

Likewise, I’ve never been a fan of the minimum wage. Let me be as polite as I know how to be with this part. If you’re working at a burger joint and you’re 45 years old and have three kids, a wife, a mortgage and a car payment, you’ve made a bad choice somewhere in your life. Frankly, you aren’t guaranteed a “living wage”. You have to go out and make that living wage for yourself. And I can’t tell you what that should be. Some folks feel Michael Bloomberg is making a living wage. For his lifestyle he probably is. Others feel that $15 an hour is a “living wage”. I don’t know how much “living” you can do on $600 a week…but that’s up to the individual.

And why should a government tell you what the minimum you can make is, or what the maximum you can make is? Does that make any sense? It’s like me telling the government what they can and can’t spend my tax dollars on. How do you think that’s going to work?

The rich do indeed get richer in this country. They get richer because they understand what got them rich in the first place, and the poor don’t understand. Lou Holtz, the great football coach once said, that we all make choices in life. And it’s those choices that have brought us to where we are. If you make good choices, good things happen to you. If you screw around in school and don’t learn anything, and can’t do anything but make burgers and fries, you probably aren’t going to be living in a 30,000 square foot mansion. You have made a poor choice. But it IS your choice. You can’t blame someone who’s rich, and you can’t get the choice erased by the government, regardless what Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren want to believe!

Carry on world…you’re dismissed!